Societies News

January 12, 2015

Fall 2014 Society Outreach Grant Winners

A Sumerian Feast:

The AIA Akron-Kent local society will be holding a Sumerian feast as an educational fundraiser and to promote the AIA regionally. They are partnering with a number of community organizations in order to maximize their impact and “get the word out”. The feast itself will feature cuisine inspired by ancient Mesopotamian recipes researched and brought up-to-date by University of Akron students enrolled in the advanced culinary classes. They will prepare recipes and the food as part of their coursework, serving the meal at the feast to be held at the Crystal Room Bistro. Beer, a central focus of Sumerian feasting, will be made in collaboration with a local brewery, the Thirsty Dog Brewery, again following inspiration from the ancient texts. A members-only tour of the brewery and discussion with John Mayway, the master brewer, will be held at the Thirsty Dog. The specially brewed beer will be served at the feast. Other elements include: three brief lectures by UA faculty members; harp music, a dramatic enactment of a section of the Gilgamesh epic, and a silent auction of Mesopotamian-inspired art from UA advanced ceramic and metalsmithing students. Proceeds will be spent towards additional programming for the local AIA chapter.

Apples + Archaeology:

The AIA Central Arizona local society’s program, Apples + Archaeology, is a dynamic public outreach program created to reach a diverse K-12 population within the Phoenix metropolitan era. Designed to address the budget cuts in education that Arizona has sustained over the last several years, the program also augments classroom offerings that have been decimated by curriculum slashing. Faculty from several departments at Arizona State University and Paradise Community College connect with educators in primary and secondary schools across the Phoenix valley and offer lectures on a range of topics and introduce creative archaeological projects to students that enhance the diversity of the mandated state curriculum. 

Daily Life in Ancient Egypt:

The AIA Houston local society will pilot a program designed to reach local students. They are working with Egyptologist Pat Remler and partnering with the Houston Museum of Natural Science to create an educational residency for 6th grade students. The program will run for three days to integrate with the standard social studies curriculum when students are studying Egypt. Three hundred students per day will visit the Science Museum to hear a 45-minute presentation by Pat Remler, followed by a tour of objects in the Museum’s “Egypt Hall”. Attendees will make a cartouche to take home with them.

Public Archaeology Dig:

The AIA Jacksonville local society, beginning its second year in existence, has plans for a public archaeological dig in cooperation with Dr. Keith Ashley of the Anthropology Department at the University of North Florida. The dig will be a chance for the public to experience a real dig.

Membership Building Initiative:

The AIA Orange County local society will have board members look at their own community listings for the Archaeology Magazine, identifying persons they will be able to personally invite to AIA membership, the ability to hear excellent lectures, attend field trips, and participate in social events.  

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