Interactive Digs
August 9, 2019
Dr Denis Shine, IAFS Director, gives an update on the progress of the site so far in the summer of 2019. Thank you to Alan Boland and Chris Hayes from INHP for producing the video.
See also, Digging the Lost Town of Carrig Part 1, January 2019
September 9, 2019
Our new cutting is in the only part of the ringwork’s ditch that remains after excavation in the 80s.
September 6, 2019
Cutting 4 started this summer as a test trench to the depth of the 12th century occupation layer.
September 5, 2019
In Cutting 1, we found a large pocket of charcoal that could be a posthole, but only time will tell!
September 4, 2019
Work in Cutting 3 during the two-week field excavation program from Maynooth University
August 28, 2019
As part of each IAFS course’s academic content, we spend several days at the beginning of most programmes on cultural trips.