This listing expired on December 31, 2020. Please contact for any updated information.
Location: Monte Cristi, MC, DO
Season: July 1, 2021 to December 15, 2021
Session Dates: See ADMAT's web page for full information
Deadline Type: Rolling
Program Type:
Field School, Volunteer
RPA Certified:
Anglo-Danish Maritime Archaeological Team (ADMAT) and ADMAT-FRANCE with Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle at Paris, départememt Préhistoire, UMR-CNRS 7194.
Project Director:
Dr. Simon Q. Spooner BSc, MRICS, PhD, MCIfA and Project Leader Raimund Krob.
Project Description:
This is a great opportunity to join one of the longest-running maritime archaeological projects in the Caribbean; as ADMAT returns to The Tile Wreck during 2021 when COVID-19 is beaten and we can all travel safely. Therefore we are creating a Team and once we are able to travel we will set the final dates. To join the Team please contact Dr. Spooner.
ADMAT & ADMAT-FRANCE are running a Maritime Archaeological Project to continue the Survey work on The Tile Wreck 1720’s wreck in Monte Cristi, in the Dominican Republic. The work is being carried out for the Oficina Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural Subacuatico (ONPCS) the Government department. This project will instruct students survey and exploration techniques as well as documentation of artifacts. This is open for all students or volunteers over 18 years of age, with a minimum qualification of PADI Advanced Open Water / BSAC Sports Diver or equivalent. The project language is English. Two-week slots available. Full information about these projects can be found on ADMAT’s website. This is a hands-on course going through the process of artefact documentation working on the artefacts from The Tile Wreck. For further information on this and other projects, please look at ADMAT’s website.
Period(s) of Occupation: A.D. 1650-1750, Post Columbus
Dominican Republic, Maritime Archaeology, Shipwreck, Underwater Cultural Heritage, Nautical, Side Scan Sonar, Proton Magnetometer, Survey, Measure, Record, Artefact Handling.
Project Size: 1-24 participants
Minimum Length of Stay for Volunteers: Two weeks for diving one week for artefact handling courses
Minimum Age: 18
Experience Required: No previous archaeological experience is required for student or volunteer team members, but applicants must speak English and be qualified divers to the level of PADI Open Water or the equivalent.
Room and Board Arrangements:
Accommodation will be at ADMAT's Maritime Archaeological Centre in Monte Cristi. Full board included. Additional information is available on the project website. Cost: See website for full information
Academic Credit:
NAS time will be credited for level 2 & 3 credits offered by ADMAT & Save Ontario Shipwrecks (NAS Canada) Membership of the Toronto SOS/NAS Chapter is required.. Tuition is Full training in the use of underwater survey and excavation methods will be given as well as artefact handling. .
Dr. Simon Q. Spooner
Anglo-Danish Maritime Archaeological Team (ADMAT).
Hampton Court
Phone: +44-(0)7948-532743
Fax: N/A
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