This listing expired on April 30, 2024. Please contact for any updated information.
Location: Wyoming, USA
Season: June 10, 2024 to July 17, 2024
Session Dates: June 10-19, June 24-July 3, July 8-17
Application Deadline: January 30, 2024
Deadline Type: Rolling
Program Type:
Field School
RPA Certified:
University of Wyoming
Project Director:
Alexandra Kelly, Randy Haas, Todd Surovell
Project Description:
Learn field methods that will prepare you for a career in archaeology. Participants will survey and excavate at three archaeological sites representing 13,000 years of Wyoming’s past from first peoples to coal miners. This year’s field school will investigate a High Plains trading nexus near Laramie, a 13,000-year-old Clovis mammoth kill and campsite near Douglas, and a historical coal mining town in Carbon County.
Period(s) of Occupation: PaleoIndian through Historic
Project Size: 1-24 participants
Minimum Length of Stay for Volunteers: 30 days
Experience Required: We welcome applications from students at any educational level or from any background. We do, however, give preference to those students majoring in anthropology, who seek a career in archaeology, and who have taken at least one archaeology course. The field school is a good place to discover if a career in archaeology is the right place for you.
Room and Board Arrangements:
Students will stay in university dorms for the first session and will need equipment for camping the second and third sessions. Food will be provided during sessions. Students are responsible for their own room and board on breaks between sessions.
Academic Credit:
6 credits
Alexandra Kelly
Dept. 3431 1000 University Ave.
The AIA is North America's largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to archaeology. The Institute advances awareness, education, fieldwork, preservation, publication, and research of archaeological sites and cultural heritage throughout the world. Your contribution makes a difference.