
The Epigraphy of the Aegean Islands: Studying Greek Inscriptions on Paros (Greece)

Location: Paros 844 00, Greece

Season: June 22, 2025 to July 5, 2025

Session Dates: June 22nd-July 5th, 2025

Application Deadline: May 30, 2025

Deadline Type: Rolling


Program Type:
Field School

RPA Certified:

Hellenic Education & Research Center (HERC), Greek Epigraphic Society, and Archaeological Ephorate of the Cyclades

Project Director:
Dr. Angelos P. Matthaiou Greek Epigraphic Society

Project Description:

This course aims at introducing the participants to the study of Greek inscriptions from the Archaic Period to the Roman times with an emphasis on the inscriptions of the Aegean Islands. The students will have the opportunity to become familiar with the nature of epigraphic documents, will be introduced to the expertise required in the field of Greek epigraphy and will understand how inscriptions are invaluable documents for the knowledge of Ancient History. The course will have a strong on site element as the students will be asked to study and copy the stones that record ancient Greek inscriptions. A prior knowledge of Ancient Greek is strongly recommended.

The program will start with a two day stay in Athens where the students will pay a visit with expert guidance  to the Epigraphical Museum of Athens which houses the largest collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions worldwide. The program will continue on the island of Paros to which we shall all travel as a group by ferry  boat. On the island classes will take place both at the archaeological museum of Paros, on site outdoors and in the classroom. During the weekend a visit will be scheduled to the island of Delos where the archaeological museum houses a very interesting collection of Ancient Greek Inscriptions. Throughout the program, student will have the opportunity to swim in the blue waters of the Aegean sea and engage in constructive recreation.

Period(s) of Occupation: Archaic to Late Roman (6th c. BCE to 5th c. CE)

Paros, Epigraphy, Greek inscriptions, Aegean Islands, Archaic to Roman

Project Size: 1-24 participants

Minimum Length of Stay for Volunteers: Full length of program

Minimum Age: 18

Experience Required: Preference will be given to students who have knowledge of Ancient Greek.

Room and Board Arrangements:
Students will share furnished apartments or hotel rooms on the island of Paros. The program fee includes a welcome dinner, breakfast during weekdays and a farewell diner.

Academic Credit:
Recommended credit: 4 credits offered by the applicant's home institution. Tuition is €2,650 (Euros) and includes tuition, accommodation, field trips and the meals stated in "Room and Board".

Contact Information:

George Tziampiris

15 Tholou Street





Phone: +306936811711

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