
Zorreira Archaeological Project

Location: M8MP+G4 Evoramonte, Portugal

Season: January 5, 2025 to January 25, 2025

Session Dates: January 5th - January 25th, 2025

Application Deadline: November 30, 2024

Deadline Type: Rolling


Program Type:
Field School

RPA Certified:

Project Director:
Hugo Morais and Rui Mataloto

Project Description:

Being recently discovered in field surveys, Anta 4 do Freixo (A4QF) is another shinning star in the constellation of dolmens that fill the Southwest Iberian landscape. In this case, the monument is part of a special cluster of dolmens around the small town of Freixo.  Built probably around the mid/late 4th milenium, Anta (word for dolmen in Portuguese) 4 do Freixo is a funerary megalithic tomb, that presents some anomalies in the topology of the megalithic architecture from the Neolithic period. It is located in the Municipality of Redondo, in the Alentejo region, Portugal.

From the preliminary works of the first and second season, we concluded that the dolmen is composed of a polygonal​ chamber with ten standing slabs, which contrasts with the typical seven standing slabs observed in the great majority of the dolmens in the region. Due to the fact that all of these monuments were covered with a capstone, its plausible to assume that this one had one capstone, removed in an uncertain epoch.

Period(s) of Occupation: Neolithic / Megalithism

Project Size: 1-24 participants

Minimum Length of Stay for Volunteers: 2 weeks

Minimum Age: 18

Experience Required: none

Contact Information:

Hugo Morais

Phone: +351 963901505

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