December 15, 2011
For the inaugural National Archaeology Day, Florida Public Archaeology Network Center staff around the state participated in a wide array at activities.
At the Northeast regional center, director Sarah Miller met with members of the Orange Park Junior Historical Society. The students are deeply interested in the history and heritage of their area and have participated in multiple years on a dig along Black Creek in Clay County. On National Archaeology Day itself the students did heavy lifting…indoors. They learned r, and found out there is a lot to implement before their trowels hit the ground on December 10th. We look forward to participating again in National Archaeology Day and expanding local partnerships in promoting archaeology.
The North Central Region of FPAN, along with the Underwater Archaeology staff at Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research, had a booth at the Mighty Mullet Maritime Festival in Panacea, Florida on National Archaeology Day. They had a total of 236 visitors to our booth. Passers by were provided with swag, info about local sites (terrestrial and underwater), and kids and adults had fun participating in hands on archaeology activities.
FPAN Northwest celebrated National Archaeology in Pensacola from 10am-4pm. On National Archaeology Day everyone who visited the Destination Archaeology! Resource Center (DARC) museum exhibit recieved a prize. Additionally, FPAN’s Archaeology Lab was open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and visitors were invited to gain hands-on experience in rough sorting artifacts discovered at local archaeological sites. An archaeologist was available to answer questions at both the museum and lab.
All are excited to particpate in National Archaeology Day again next year!
International Archaeology Day BlogNotifications