July 12, 2017
ROOMS 4-5 The Rooms 4 and 5 are located in the northeast corner of the archaeological area east from Rooms 6, 7 and 22 and north from Room 24. During […]
April 14, 2017
This summer, we will pick up where we left off in 2016. Read about past excavations and our plans for 2017!
April 1, 2017
We are currently pursing two major research projects. The first is an investigation of the prehistoric landscapes of Slievemore Mountain in the north of Achill, while the second, is a […]
November 2, 2016
With the long warm days of summer long behind us, we have swopped our trowels and buckets for spreadsheets and Paraloid solution.
October 27, 2016
It was the Achill Archaeological Field School’s last week on site, and it was a full one with the tough job of backfilling!
September 15, 2016
We’re now on our second to last week at Keem Bay, and the end is in sight!
August 29, 2016
With most of the rubble and collapse now removed, this week we focused on investigating the structure of the building.
August 18, 2016
This week the building at Keem began to make much more sense!