September 4, 2019
Work in Cutting 3 during the two-week field excavation program from Maynooth University
August 28, 2019
As part of each IAFS course’s academic content, we spend several days at the beginning of most programmes on cultural trips.
August 27, 2019
The experimental archaeology students learned about medieval textiles and how to make medieval ceramics.
August 23, 2019
This program in partnership with University College Dublin and Institute for Field Research allowed us to learn about experimental archaeology and relate what we learned to the Carrick excavation.
August 19, 2019
This year is the 850th Anniversary of the Anglo-Norman arrival in Ireland as well as the construction of the Carrick site itself!
August 15, 2019
During the final week of this year’s excavations, we completely removed the Late Minoan I layer full of pottery in Room 65.
August 14, 2019
The IAFS’s forensic anthropology programme with Maynooth University
August 12, 2019
A video update for Summer 2019 from Dr. Shine on the progress being made with the excavation and finds