August 12, 2019
Many intact vessels came to light in Room 65, as excavation also continued in Area 61 and Room 64.
August 9, 2019
In this video, IAFS Director Denis Shine gives an update on the progress of the site so far in the summer of 2019.
August 6, 2019
Noteworthy finds this week were parts of a loom weight, pottery with a spiral motif decoration, and some intact conical cups.
July 26, 2019
Excavation continues in various rooms. Pottery fragments, animal bones, a bone pendant, and cups of the old palace period have been collected.
July 22, 2019
New conical cups have been recovered intact in Room 1, some containing animal bones, while an interesting small find was made in Room 43, and more.
July 16, 2019
The 2019 excavation season at Zominthos, Crete, begins!
June 21, 2019
This week has been full of surprises, including unexpected finds in trenches IVN and IIS.
June 17, 2019
We made progress on all of the excavation fronts and added new data on the building phases of the sanctuary and the broader neighborhood.