
Grants to Scholars

Friends of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries

Deadline: March 1, 2018

Website: https://www.library.wisc.edu/friends/friends-grants/grants-in-aid/

Application Process

The Friends of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries is pleased to offer several one month residential grants intended to offset expenses for out-of-town scholars wishing more deeply utilize the rich resources held by the UW-Madison General Library System. Awards of up to $2,000 each are available to scholars living in the United States and $3,000 to those from elsewhere around the world. Consideration may be given for support for shorter periods of research in Madison for individuals who reside in the United States.

To be eligible for consideration, applicants should meet one of the following:

  • Researchers who have earned a Ph.D
  • Scholars or graduate students who have completed all Ph.D. requirements except the dissertation
  • Foreign scholars or graduate students who are in the ABD stage of their studies
  • Reside greater than 150 miles from Madison, WI

Applicants’ proposals should state the specific areas and collections to be used in our libraries and provide information as to why these collections will be of unique benefit to their research.

Applications are due March 1 of any year for grants beginning April 1, recipients of awards must use their grants by January 31 of the following year.

For more information, visit http:// library.wisc.edu/friends, or call at 608-265-2505, or email friends@library.wisc.edu.

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