
Making Memories: The Strange Case of the Mycenaean ‘Ossuary’ at Final Neolithic Ksagounaki, Mani, Greece

University of Louisville Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (CACHe) 1606 Rowan Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Lecturer: Professor Michael Galaty (University of Michigan) In 2013, Diros Project members excavating at Final Neolithic Ksagounaki (occupied 4250-3800 BC), located outside the remarkable Neolithic cave site of Alepotrypa in Mani, Greece, revealed a circular monument that had been inserted into the existing settlement/mortuary complex, truncating several burials. To our surprise, the monument - an […]

Hominin dispersal pathways out of Africa: A view from the Red Sea basin

University of Louisville, Ekstrom Library, Chao Auditorium 2215 S. 3rd Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Lecturer: Professor Amanuel Beyin (University of Louisville) Starting a little more than two million years ago, successive hominin lineages dispersed out of the ancestral homeland, Africa. While dispersing across different regions, hominins were exposed to new habitats and survival adversities. Those experiences helped our lineage to emerge as a resilient and adept species, which is […]

Life and Death along the Nile: Tales from the Tombs of Tombos – a talk by Dr. Michele Buzon

University of Louisville Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (CACHe) 1606 Rowan Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Beginning around 1500BC, the New Kingdom Egyptian Empire expanded its reach into the territory of its southern neighbor, Nubia, in search of resources such as gold and cattle. Over the next few hundred years, interactions between the ancient Egyptians and Nubians would include violence encounters, trade and exchange, political relationships, and the establishment of interethnic […]

Epidemics and Syndemics – a webinar with Dr. Fabian Crespo

Kicking off our 2020-21 series of archaeology webinars with a very timely subject, Dr. Fabian Crespo will offer an anthropological perspective on medieval and modern disease outbreaks in a presentation titled "Epidemics and Syndemics: From Leprosy (Hansen's disease) in Medieval Europe to COVID-19 Pandemic." In this webinar, focused on leprosy in medieval Europe and COVID-19, […]

Intellectuals of African Descent and Egyptology

Don't miss our second archaeology webinar of 2021! Egyptologist Vanessa Davies (The Nile Valley Collective) will be talking about the contribution of scholars of African descent in the early 20th-century development of Egyptology in a talk titled "A 'Culture Distinctly African': Intellectuals of African Descent and Egyptology." Long before Egyptology was ever taught as a […]

Communicating with the Ancestors: Archaeology at Oxmoor Plantation, Louisville, Kentucky

University of Louisville Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (CACHe) 1606 Rowan Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Come and learn what Kentucky Archaeological Survey archaeologists have been doing at Oxmoor Farm in Louisville, Kentucky for the last year and a half. Lori Stahlgren, Project Archaeologist with KAS, will be speaking about this ongoing project. In 2021, the Oxmoor Farm Foundation hired KAS to conduct a survey around extant buildings that once served […]

A Culinary History of Collapse, Conquest, and Cultural Identity in Ancient Perú

University of Louisville Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (CACHe) 1606 Rowan Street, Louisville, KY, United States

How do archaeologists use food to tell the story of the past? Archaeologist Robyn Cutright (Centre College) addresses this question in our next talk! ​Between 650-1450 CE, residents of the Jequetepeque Valley of northern coastal Perú experienced several large-scale sociopolitical disruptions, including the collapse of the Moche polity, the transition to the subsequent Lambayeque period […]

In Search of Greener Pastures: Climate Change, Migration, and the Emergence of Fort Ancient Societies in the Middle Ohio Valley

University of Louisville Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (CACHe) 1606 Rowan Street, Louisville, KY, United States

How did climate change and migration shape early settlement in the Middle Ohio Valley? Archaeologist Aaron Comstock (Indiana University East) addresses this in his upcoming talk. The spread of maize agriculture into the Eastern Woodlands of North America was a process that resulted in significant cultural transformations. In the Middle Ohio Valley, the origins of […]

NAGPRA: The Repatriation and Reburial of Angel Mounds

University of Louisville Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (CACHe) 1606 Rowan Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Passed in 1990, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) provides a legal mechanism for the repatriation and return of Native American and Native Hawaiian ancestral remains and cultural items. In addition to the return of collections, consultation with federally recognized tribal nations is one of the most important components of this federal […]

An Archaeological Investigation and Interpretation of a Cornerstone Deposit from Louisville’s Confederate Monument

University of Louisville Center for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (CACHe) 1606 Rowan Street, Louisville, KY, United States

Amid recent efforts to remove Confederate Monuments throughout cities in the South, the City of Louisville removed its monument situated on a public street in the middle of the University of Louisville’s main campus. During disassembly of the monument, a cornerstone box containing commemorative objects was found. This presentation discusses these objects and their relationship […]