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Archaeological museum in Zagreb Trg NIkole Šubića Zrinskog, Zagreb, Croatia

Workshop for children

Ornamented Motifs

Archaeological museum in Zagreb Trg NIkole Šubića Zrinskog, Zagreb, Croatia

Workshop for children

Guided Tour: Back to the Past: Copper Age in Northern Croatia

Archaeological museum in Zagreb Trg NIkole Šubića Zrinskog, Zagreb, Croatia

The exhibition portrays all aspects of Eneolithic life that lasted for approximately 2000 years, including the production of everyday objects, the ways in which they were decorated, settlement organization, dietary habits, religion and cult, raw material exploitation and burial rites, which will be observable through a selection of the most representative finds ascribed to cultures […]

Troia Archaeotourism Conference

Archaeological museum in Zagreb Trg NIkole Šubića Zrinskog, Zagreb, Croatia

Press conference that will promote activities and events that have and are being held during "The year of Troy in Croatia" and it will announce International Conference "Sense and Sustainability: International conference on Archaeology and Tourism" that will be held in Zagreb in May 2019.

Guded Tour “Croaia in the times of duke Branimir”

Archaeological museum in Zagreb Trg NIkole Šubića Zrinskog, Zagreb, Croatia

The exibition is about written sources from the times of duke Branimir in 9th century Croatia. The tour is going to be guded by the curators of the Middle Ages Department and the authors of the exibition.

Walk through Copper Age

Archaeological museum in Zagreb Trg NIkole Šubića Zrinskog, Zagreb, Croatia

Workshop for children.