
VIRTUAL: AIA Annual Faculty Lecture: “Mixed multitudes”: Displacement and belonging in ancient Sicily, with Prof. Randall Souza (Seattle University)

The inhabitants of the ancient Mediterranean were mobile, and many of them lived in or passed through the large island of Sicily, which sits between the eastern and western Mediterranean basins and nearly unites the continents of Europe and Africa. Some moved more voluntarily, others less so, and still others were relocated with no choice […]

Ridgeway lecture: Petsas House, Mycenae: pottery, production, and the palatial economy of the 14th c. BCE

University of Puget Sound, Tahoma Room, Thomson Hall 1500 N Warner St, Tacoma, WA, United States

Ridgeway lecture: Kim Shelton, UC Berkeley: Petsas House, Mycenae: pottery, production, and the palatial economy of the 14th c. BCE This lecture will present a wide variety of material from the current excavations at Mycenae which provides insight into the production of pottery in a late bronze age workshop, the reconstructed demographics and decision-making process […]