IAD Blog

November 18, 2016

Peabody Museum 150th Anniversary

The Nettukkusqk Singers, an intertribal quartet of women from Wampanoag and Nipmuc homelands. (Photo Courtesy/Copyright David M. Barron/Oxygen Group)

On October 8, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University marked its 150th anniversary and International Archaeology Day with free admission all day, and an afternoon of hands-on activities, live music and birthday cake. Over 1500 visitors turned out for the event (which included free admission to the connected Harvard Museum of Natural History), to see curators bring out rare objects from storage, such as the FeeJee Mermaid, the bear claw necklace collected by Lewis & Clark, a 90,000 year old human skull from Israel, and a jadeite jewel of an Aztec goddess. Nearly 300 visitors checked out the Zooarchaeology Laboratory to touch and identify animal bones.

International Archaeology Day Blog