2024 Academic Program

AIA Session
AIA Session

The 2024 AIA and SCS Joint Annual Meeting took place January 4-7, in Chicago, Illinois. The academic program began on the morning of Friday, January 5th and finished on the afternoon of Sunday, January 7th. Sessions were scheduled within morning, midday, and afternoon blocks.  Paper order within a session may not reflect the final time slots. Please check the annual meeting app and printed program for exact order and times.


1A: Current Events and Heritage Protection: Efforts to Document and Protect Culture at Risk (Workshop)

Organizers: Brian I. Daniels, University of Pennsylvania Museum, and Katharyn Hanson, Smithsonian Institution

Panelists: Deniz Cil, University of Maryland, Madeleine Gunter Bassett, Virginia Museum of Natural History, Katharyn Hanson, Smithsonian Institution, Thomas Bender, University of Pennsylvania, Vasyl Rozkho, Ukraine Heritage Monitoring Lab, and Salam Al-Quntar, Rutgers University

1B: The Portrait in the Sanctuary (Colloquium)

Organizers: Patricia Kim, New York University, and Lindsey A. Mazurek, Indiana University, Bloomington

Discussant: Caitlín E. Barrett, Cornell University

Movement and Ritual in Portraiture: The Kinetic Echo
Lindsey Mazurek, Indiana University, Bloomington

Vessels as Portraits of Divine Queens
Patricia Kim, New York University

Divine Portrait or Devotional Image? Gods among Mortals on Greek Vases
Tyler Jo Smith, University of Virginia

Honorific Statuary in the Temples of Ptolemaic Egypt
Sara Cole, J. Paul Getty Museum (Getty Villa)

Between the Gods and the City:  Portrait Statues as Votives
Elizabeth Baltes, Coastal Carolina University

1C: Cosmologies Across Boundaries: Disrupting the Iron Age-Roman Distinction in the Study of Religion in the Roman Northwest (Colloquium)
Sponsored by Roman Provincial Archaeology Interest Group

Organizers: Alena Wigodner, Princeton University, Alex Rome Griffin, Lancaster University, and Pat Lowinger, University of Leicester/Peninsula College

Finding Meaning in the Mundane: Prehistoric Perspectives on Roman Ritual Practice
Lindsey Büster, Canterbury Christ Church University/University of York

The Reuse and Reinterpretation of Neolithic Megaliths by Romano-British Peoples
Pat Lowinger, University of Leicester/Peninsula College

Gender, Animals, and Cosmology: Human-Animal and Human-Human Relations from Iron Age to Roman in Britain and Gaul
Alena Wigodner, Princeton University

Romano-Celtic Temples as Multi-Faith Spaces
Alex Rome Griffin, Lancaster University

1D: New Fieldwork in Roman Archaeology I

Canadian Excavations at the Villa of Titus, 2023
Myles McCallum, Saint Mary’s University, and Martin Beckmann, McMaster University

The Northwest Bolsena Archaeological Project: Results from the 2022 and 2023 Seasons
Lea Cline, Illinois State University, and Kathryn Jasper, Illinois State University

Rediscovering Roman Malta.  Field report 2023 from the Melite Civitas Romana Project at the Domvs Romana of Rabat (Malta)
Davide Tanasi, University of South Florida, David Cardona, Heritage Malta, Malta, Benedict Lowe, University of North Alabama, Robert Brown, Intercontinental Archaeology, and Andrew Wilkinson, Intercontinental Archaeology

Investing in Infrastructure: Results of the 2023 Coriglia Excavation Project
William H. Ramundt, University at Buffalo

The Hellenistic Necropolis and Vicus at Podere Cannicci. Negotiating Etruscan and Roman Identities
Alessandro Sebastiani, University at Buffalo, Edoardo Vanni, Università per gli Stranieri di Siena, and Marta De Pari, La Sapienza University, Rome

Up-Cycling Roman Cosa: Adaptive Reuse and Sustainability of a Small Bathhouse
Allison E. Smith, Indiana University Bloomington

1E: Mobility of People, Things, and Ideas in the Ancient World

Imitating Indian Coins: A Rare Copper Series of Agathokles of Bactria and its Implications for Mobility
Charlotte N. Gorant, Columbia University

The Anavysos (Kroisos) Kouros As a Locus of Intersecting Refugee Displacements
Leticia R. Rodriguez, UC Berkeley, and Jason R. Vivrette, UC Berkeley

Networking Women: Modelling Female Maritime Mobility Networks between Crete and Miletus
Lana J. Radloff, Bishop’s University

Coins, Colonies, Connectivity: Seleukid Imperialism in the Persian Gulf
Talia Prussin, University of British Columbia

Raising Washingtonia:  Rediscovering Greece’s Earliest Refugee Settlement
David K. Pettegrew, Messiah University, Kostis Kourelis, Franklin & Marshall College, Albert Sarvis, Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Nikos Poulopoulos,  University of Missouri–St. Louis, Alexandra Shehigian, Messiah University, and Keli Ganey, Messiah University

1F: The Mycenaean Koine in Context: Disentangling Material Uniformities in the Aegean Late Bronze Age (Colloquium)

Organizers: Dimitri Nakassis, University of Colorado Boulder, and Salvatore Vitale, University of Pisa

Discussants: Carl Knappett, University of Toronto, and Sarah Murray, University of Toronto

One Script, One Kingdom? Exploring and Explaining the Heterogeneity of Linear B
Dimitri Nakassis, University of Colorado Boulder

Koine in a Nutshell. What Seals (and Theory) Can Tell Us about Cultural Uniformity in the Mycenaean Palatial Period
Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, University of Heidelberg

Understanding the Mycenaean “Koine”: Norms and Variations in Aegean Cooking and Tableware Pottery Assemblages from the Late 15th to the early 12th Century B.C.E.
Salvatore Vitale, University of Pisa

Evaluating Homogeneity in Mycenaean Palatial Construction: A Stoneworking Perspective
Nicholas Blackwell, University of Indiana Bloomington

Counterpoints to Koine in Mycenaean Painting
Emily Egan, University of Maryland

Doing it My Way: Ritual and Death at Pylos and Mycenae in the Late Bronze Age
Joanne Murphy, University of North Carolina Greensboro

1G: Roman Art History and Visual Approaches

Greek Athletes in Roman Baths: An Archival Rediscovery of Ostian Mosaics
Joanne M. Spurza, Hunter College of the City University of New York

Culinary Icons: Cooks and their Labor in the Roman Visual Arts
Aaron Brown, St. Norbert College

The Theology of Marble in Central Italy in the Second Century BCE
Alexander Ekserdjian, Yale University

A Tale of Two Sarcophagi: Forged and Genuine at Hammond Castle
Robert Cohon, Kansas City Art Institute

Last Laugh: The Wallace’s Laughing Faun Revisited
Elizabeth Bartman, New York Society

The Mechanics of Commissioning a Roman Painting:  How Patrons and Painters Contracted Materials and Labor
Hilary Becker, Binghamton University, SUNY

1H: New Research on Roman Greece (Colloquium)
Sponsored by Evangelos Pistiolis Foundation

Organizers: Mantha Zarmakoupi, University of Pennsylvania

Discussant: Francesco de Angelis, Columbia University

The Architecture of the Roman Province of Macedonia: Unique Characteristics and the Impact of the Empire Wide Architecture
Vassilis Evangelidis, Greek Ministry of Education, Athena Research Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies

Looking West: Imported pottery from Italy in Macedonia (100 BCE – 100 CE).
Apostolos Garyfallopoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

New Light in Old Rooms: The Re-examination of an Old Excavation of a Large Roman Villa-Philosophical School in the Center of Athens
Dimitris Sourlas, Greek Ministry of Culture, Ephorate of the City of Athens

Adapting to shifting tastes and lifestyles: the Roman phases of a public building in the city of Rhodes
Stella Skaltsa, Queen’s University

1I: Contested Objects in Academic Collections: Legal and ethical considerations (Colloquium)
Sponsored by Foundation for Ethical Stewardship of Cultural Heritage (FESCH)

Organizers: Mireille Lee, Foundation for Ethical Stewardship of Cultural Heritage

Discussant: Patty Gerstenblith, Center for Art, Museum & Cultural Heritage Law

“Monuments Man” Walter Farmer and the formation of an Antiquities Collection at Miami University
Jack Green, Miami University

The Bonham Amphora at the Blanton Museum of Art, Austin TX: Sketching the Biography of a Contested Object in a University Collection
Nassos Papalexandrou, University of Texas, Austin

Cuneiform Tablets as Rare Books: 21st Century Acquisitions in Library Special Collections
Sara Mohr, Hamilton College

Collecting for Teaching at the Beginning of the 20th Century
Lynley McAlpine, San Antonio Museum of Art

The Possible Repatriation of the Flavian Monument Fragments at the Kelsey Museum
Nicola Terrenato, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

1J: Ancient Coins and Sculpture (Colloquium)
Sponsored by AIA Numismatic Interest Group

Organizers: Benjamin Hellings, Yale University

To the Island of Circe – Masterpieces of the Terranean Mint and the Hellenistic Derivatives
Emily Pearce Seigerman, Yale University Art Gallery

Don’t look a Gift Horse (Statue) in the Mouth: Equestrian Statues on Caligula’s Coinage
Gwynaeth McIntyre, University of Otago

An Emperor with many faces: Nerva’s Portraits in the Provinces through Sculptures and Coins
Raffaella Bucolo, Verona University

Typological Distribution Distinctions Across Media in Roman Imperial Portraiture
Fae Amiro, University of Toronto

Coins Mirroring Sculptures: New Evidence for the Understanding of the Images of Antinous
Alessia Di Santi, Scuola Normale Superiore

The Portraits of the Roman Empresses on Coins found at Colonia Flavia Scupinorum
Milica Vasileva, Museum of the city of Skopje


2A: Contextualizing Pliny the Elder’s Material World: An All-Encompassing Vision of the Wonders of Nature (Colloquium)
Sponsored by AIA Ancient Painting and Decorative Media Interest Group

Organizers: Hilary Becker, Binghamton University, SUNY, and Anna Anguissola, University of Pisa

Pliny and the Prices of Pigments
Hilary Becker, Binghamton University, SUNY

Pliny and the Materiality of Colored Marble Monolithic Columns
Peter De Staebler, Pratt Institute

The Roman ‘Gems’ Code’: the Material Semantics of Precious Stones in Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, Book 37
Chiara Ballestrazzi, University of Pisa

“In Certamine”: Artist Competitions as Media Archaeology
Roko Rumora, The University of Chicago

How much did Pliny know about glass?
Katherine Larson, Corning Museum of Glass

The Sense of Nature. Pliny the Elder’s Material Taxonomies between Books 36 and 37
Anna Anguissola, University of Pisa

2B: Urbanism and Mobility in Pre-Roman Italy

The Birth of the Cult and Urban Development in Southern Etruria: the Case of Veii in the Light of the Most Recent Archaeological Discoveries (X-VII century BCE)
Ugo Fusco, Tor Vergata University of Rome

The Animal Economy, Mobility, and the Urban Transition in Western Central Italy (Ninth-Sixth Centuries BCE)
Vicki Moses, Harvard University

The Doganella Survey Project: The Multimodal Remote Sensing Survey of a Pre-Roman Etruscan Urban Center
Antonio LoPiano, Duke University

War, Mobility and Empty Hillforts: Reshaping Narratives on Samnite Society beyond Urbanism.
Giacomo Fontana, Institute of Archaeology, University College London (UCL)

The First Italian Ethnonyms: Identity, Language, and Mobility in Pre-Roman Italy
Claudia Paparella, University of Toronto

2C: Recent Archaeological Work in Greece and the Aegean

The Small Cycladic Islands Project 2023: The Islets of Andros, Tenos, Mykonos, and Amorgos
Alex R. Knodell, Carleton College, Demetrios Athanasoulis, Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades, Jeffrey Banks, University of Cincinnati, Anna Belza, University of Cincinnati, Rosie Campbell, University of Cambridge, John F. Cherry, Brown University, T

Perachora Peninsula Archaeological Project 2023: Investigating the Town above the Sanctuary of Hera and Sites further afield in the Perachora Peninsula
Susan Lupack, Macquarie University, Panagiota Kasimi, Ephoreia of Antiquities of the Corinthia, Shawn Ross, Macquarie University, Adela Sobotkova, University of Aarhus, Barbora Weissova, Bilkent University, and Matthew Skuse, University of Bristol

Lyktos Archaeological Project (Crete): The Results of ISAW/NYU’s Team for 2022
Antonis Kotsonas, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, Cicek Beeby, Brown University, Christina Stefanou, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, and Valia Tsikritea, University of Cincinnati

A Re-evaluation of the 4th-6th Century CE Settlement at Leukos, Karpathos (Greece) in Light of New Geological Data
Michael Nelson, Queens College, and Karen Kleinspehn, University of Minnesota

Lechaion Harbor and Settlement Land Project Field Report 2023
Paul D. Scotton, California State University Long Beach,  Georgios Spyropoulos, Corinthian Ephorate of Antiquities, and Angela Ziskowski, Coe College

2D: Roman Graffiti and Inscriptions

A “New” Graffiti Drawing of Mercury from Pompeii and the Popular Reception of Images of Deities
Margaret L. Laird, University of Delaware

Ma(r)king Men: Graffitied Masculinities in Pompeii’s House of the Silver Wedding (V.2.i)
Jordan Rogers, Hamilton College

Hiding in Plain Sight: Exploring Apotropaic Agency in the Gorgon Graffiti of Pompeii
Abigail Staub, The University of Michigan

Funerary Inscriptions as Evidence for Class and Identity in Northern Hispania
Scott de Brestian, Central Michigan University

2E: Water in the Roman World

The Moving Waters of the Spring Sanctuary at Nîmes: Sensory Religious Experience in Roman Gaul.
Gretel Rodríguez, Brown University

A Monumental Progression : Additions and Rebuilding in Fountains in the Provinces of the Roman West, 46 B.C.E. – 337 C.E.
Katherine Halcrow, University of Oxford

Spouts and Springs: Water Use in Theaters in the Roman Decapolis
Clare Rasmussen, Bryn Mawr College

2F: Minoan Crete

The Geoarchaeology of  Minoan Agricultural Engineering at Choiromandres,  Crete
Daniel J. Fallu, UiT: The Arctic University Museum of Norway, Georgia Tsartsidou, Ephorate of Palaeoanthropology-Speleology, Athens, Greece, Leonidas Vokotopoulos, Minoan Roads Project, Andreas Lang, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Chiara Bahl, Paris Lo

New Observations on the Architecture of the Gournia Shrine
D. Matthew Buell, Concordia University, Kevin T. Glowacki, Texas A&M University, and Nancy L. Klein, Texas A&M University

Coloring the Image: The use of Egyptian Blue in Bronze Age Mediterranean Fresco Imagery
Allisen Hunter, Florida State University

The LM IA Decorated Lustral Basin at Chania: Ritual and Use
Elizabeth Shank, INSTAP Study Center for East Crete

A Liminal Approach to Cultural Interaction and Maritime Exchange at Two Late Bronze Age Aegean Harbors
Elliott J. Fuller, University of Toronto

2G: Archaeological Approaches to Sacred Space in the Eastern Mediterranean

“The heart of the Greek race in Egypt:” revisiting the Hellenion at Naukratis
Camille Acosta, UC Irvine

Cypriot Limestone Sculpture: Symbols of Identity?
Pamela Gaber, Lycoming College

Cross Graffiti at Pagan Sanctuaries in Late Antiquity
Julia Judge Mulhall, Harvard University

Constructing Christian Sacred Spaces with Theater Ruins in Late Antique Macedonia
Matthew Schueller, College of William & Mary

A Perso-Macedonian Sanctuary on a Syro-Anatolian Model: Nemrud Dağ and Hellenistic Emulation of Iron Age Art
Daniel T. Newgarden, Brown University

2H: Archaeology and Contemporary Displacement: A Mediterranean Perspective (Presidential Plenary Workshop)

Organizers: Elizabeth Greene, Brock University

Panelists: Salam Al Kuntar, Rutgers University; Yannis Hamilakis, Brown University; Tomothy Harrison, Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, University of Chicago; Kostis Kourelis, Franklin & Marshall College; Ayşe Şanli, Brown University; and Alaka Wali, Field Museum of Chicago

2I: Late Antique Transitions: New Approaches to Changing Landscapes

Taxation, Commerce and the Economic Experience of Empire in Late Roman Sicily
James Gross, University of Pennsylvania

“Squatters” at Late Roman Villas: Rethinking the Evidence for Occupation, Third – Sixth centuries CE
Sarah E. Beckmann, UCLA

New Geophysical and Archaeological Research on the Urban and Suburban Transformation of Roman Hispellum from the Site of the Villa Fidelia (Umbria, Italy)
Douglas Boin, Saint Louis University, and Letizia Ceccarelli, Politecnico di Milano

Dating Roman Karanis
Laura Motta, University of Michigan, Frits Heinrich, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Tyler Johnson, University of Michigan

Investigating the Silence: Architectural Remains during Shapur II’s Reign
Sanaz Safari, The University of Calgary, and Marica Cassis, University of Calgary

2J: Monument, Memory, and Cultural Heritage Studies

A City Buried By Its Past: The Late Ottoman Settlement at Caesarea Maritima
Isaac T. Lang, Florida State University

A Piece of Italy on the Shore of Lake Michigan: Considering the fate of the Balbo Monument.
Morag M. Kersel, DePaul University

Objects on Parade: Nations, Heterotopias, and Individuals as Ancient Artifacts
Jackson N. Miller, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Cultural Heritage Joys and Sorrows at the Villa of the Antonines in Genzano di Roma
Timothy Renner, Montclair State University, and Deborah Chatr Aryamontri, Montclair State University

Excluded Narratives and Sovereignist Ideals at the Lex Exhibit (Ara Pacis Museum, May 27-September 10, 2023)
Bee Candelaria, Carleton College

2K: Poster Session (to be held from 12:00-2:00 pm)

A Late Roman Fortress in the Lower Danube’s Hinterland: Recent Results of the International Archaeological Project at Zaldapa, Bulgaria
Nicolas Beaudry, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Canada, Georgi Atanasov, Regionalen istoricheski muzey – Silistra, Bulgaria, Albena Milanova, Sofijski universitet „Sv. Kliment Ohridski“, Bulgaria, Dominic Moreau, Université de Lille, France, Brahim M’Barek, Eveha International, France, Elio Hobdari, Instituti i arkeologjisë, Tirana, Albania, and Philip J. E. Mills, Leicester, United Kingdom

A Game Changer: Exploring morphological and distributional patterns of the “Game of Twenty Squares” in Bronze Age Middle Asia
Rachele A. Bianchi, University of Toronto

Shadowed Facts: How the Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Horse Skeleton within a University Teaching Collection Potentially Provides Insight Into Early Chicago History and Equine Pathology
Jessica Bishop, University of Illinois at Chicago

Maritime Connectivity and Mobility in the Southeastern Aegean during the Neopalatial Period: A GIS-based Approach
Nick Bowman, University of Haifa

A Comparative Study of some Essential Oils used in Papyrus Sterilization with a Case Study from the Early Islamic Period
Bahaa Fawwaz‏, Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities

Digital Media and Online Resources in Ancient Mediterranean Teaching: Current Practices and Future Opportunities
Chelsea A.M. Gardner, Acadia University, and Christine L. Johnston, Western Washington University

Do Vessel Forms Entail Functions? Understanding Vessel Functions through Residues in Harappan Cultural Settlements
Ahana Ghosh, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, V.N. Prabhakar, Archaeological Sciences Centre, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, and Eleanora A. Reber, University of North Carolina

Applying 3D Structured Light Scanning to Visualize Decorative Surface Features on Roman Leather Insoles from Vindolanda
Maria Glanfield, The University of Western Ontario

Species Analysis of Leather Objects and Manufacturing Offcuts from Vindolanda, UK
Elizabeth M. Greene, University of Western Ontario, Gillian Taylor, Teesside University, Barbara Birley, The Vindolanda Trust, UK, and Rhiannon Stevens, University College London

Results of the Western Argolid Petrography Project
Sarah A. James, University of Colorado Boulder and Edyta Marzec, Fitch Laboratory, British School at Athens

Three-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network for Age-at-Death Estimation of Deceased Individuals through Cranial Computed Tomography Scans
Maya Joshi, Princeton University, and Sean Tallman, Boston University

Identifying Ancient Intra Monastic Pathways Among Gandharan Buddhist Sites Through GIS
Faizan Khan, University of Texas at Austin

The Small Finds from the Sanctuary of Venus at Pompeii
Miranda King, Brock University

Journey from Aztlan: Did Apaches Migrate with the Aztecs?
Aleanna Kingsley, NMSU-Grants and Patricia Kingsley, NMSU-Grants

Spring Cleaning at Stelida? Disentangling Depositional Practices at the Minoan-Type Peak Sanctuary
Kristine Mallinson, Westminster College, Tristan Carter, McMaster University, Shannon Crewson, McMaster University, Matt Harder, University of Missouri Columbia, Claudette Lopez, University of Cambridge, Vagia Mastrogiannopoulou, Independent Scholar, Dimitra Mylona, INSTAP-EC, Marie N. Pareja, University of Pennsylvania, Georgia Tsartsidou, Ephoreia of Palaeoanthropology-Speleology, and Dimitris Athanasoulis, Ephorate of Cycladic Antiquities

Asserting Local Identity at the Ends of Empire: a Case Study from Northern Spain
Victor M. Martinez, University of Pittsburgh, and Scott de Brestian, Central Michigan University

Monitoring the Traces of the Passage of Civilizations through the Study of Stratigraphy and Dating of the Mosque of Sidi Ghanem in the City of Mila in Algeria
Hamiane Messaoud, M’Hamed Bougara University of Boumerdés, and Bouzetine Kamel, M’Hamed Bougara University of Boumerdés

A 3D Morphometric Workflow for Quantifying Use-Wear on Pompeii’s Public Fountain Basins
Matthew F. Notarian, Hiram College

Religious Belief, Group Cooperation, and Social Complexity: A Historical Case Study Analysis
Holly S. O’Neil, Simon Fraser University

Mapping Roman Agriculture in Northwest Bolsena
Lillian Ridinger, Illinois State University

Quantifying the Value of Fine Attic Pottery as a Trade Good
Noah Simmons, University of Arizona

Nikosthenes: Networks of Production and Trade
Jennifer S. Tafe, Boston University, Cole Smith, University of Texas at Austin, and Eleni Hasaki, University of Arizona

Computational Biochemistry and Classical Texts: Modeling the Pharmacodynamics of Iris in Ancient Lung and Respiratory Therapies
Kurt Werner, Wesleyan University, Andrea Roberts, Wesleyan University, and Kate Birney, Wesleyan University


3A: Confronting & Debunking Tropes in Ancient Mediterranean Art (Workshop)
Sponsored by The Etruscan Interest Group

Organizers: Alexandra A. Carpino, Northern Arizona University and Lisa Pieraccini, The University of California, Berkeley

Panelists: Steven Tuck, Miami University, Heather Bowyer, Arizona State University, Darcy Tuttle, The University of California, Berkeley, Valeria Riedemann, University of Washington, and Cristina Hernandez, Mt. San Antonio College

3B: Ancient Emotions and Funerary Iconography (Colloquium)

Organizers: Lidewijde de Jong, University of Groningen, and Bilal Annan, University of Groningen

Emotion through Sculpture and Epigram in Classical Attic Funerary Monuments
Seth Estrin, Harvard University

Fear & Loathing in the Family Tomb:  Roman Sarcophagi as Antidotes
Mont Allen, Southern Illinois University

“Tender Bones”:  Searching for Solace in Tomb H-H1 of the Vatican Necropolis
Regina Gee, Montana State University

Proconnesian Halbfabrikate: Prefabricated Emotions or Blank Feelings?
Annetta Alexandridis, Cornell University

A Stern Solace? Palmyrene Funerary Portraits as Emotional Recipients
Bilal Annan, University of Groningen

3C: Urban Transition in the Italian peninsula and its islands (Colloquium)

Organizers: J. Andrew Dufton, Dickinson College, and Max Peers, Joukowsky Institute, Brown University

From Hut to Elite Complex: the Transformation of the North Slope of the Palatine in Archaic Rome
Amelia Eichengreen, University of Michigan

Tracing Non-Linear Settlement Development and Urbanization in Satricum
Marcello de Vos, University of Groningen, and Peter Attema, University of Groningen

Defining Terms of Culture and Chronology: the Urban Development of ‘Punic-Roman’ Tharros
Steven Ellis, University of Cincinnati, and Eric Poehler, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Mechanisms of Urban Transition across Central Adriatic Italy: From Pre-Roman Hilltop Centers to Roman Small Towns
Frank Vermeulen, Ghent University

Epigraphy and Urban Transitions in Roman Sicily: the Severan Period Reconsidered
Laura Pfuntner, Queen’s University Belfast

“Discoloring Towns”: the Perception of Changes and Transformations in Urban Texture and Monumental Apparatus of Late Antique Rome
Cristina Corsi, University of Cassino

3D: Restoration, Conservation and Enhancement of Archaeological Sites and Monuments in Greece in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals. (Colloquium)
Sponsored by Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports

Organizer: Anastasia Gadolou, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports

Discussants: John K. Papadopoulos, UCLA, and Vicky Vlachou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Episkopi of Sikinos: The Resurrection of an Iconic Monument
Demetrios Athanasoulis, Ephorate of Antiquities of the Cyclades

New Archaeological Evidence following the Preservation and Enhancement Project of the Archaeological Site of the Kabeirion on Lemnos
Pavlos Triantafyllidis, Ephorate of Antiquities of Lesvos

The Theater of Nicopolis, the City of Augustus’ Victory: The Excavation, Restoration, and Enhancement Project of the Monument
Anthi Aggeli, Ephorate of Antiquities of Preveza

Olympia: Recent Research at the Gymnasium, an Emblematic Monument of the UNESCO World Heritage Site
Erofili Kolia, Ephorate of Antiquities of Ilia

Wildlife in the Ruins: Biodiversity Surveys in Archeological Sites
Panayiotis Pafilis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Theophanis Constantinidis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Aristides Parmakelis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Ioannis Anastasiou, National and Kapodistr

Site-Specific Performances in Archaeological Sites in Greece. A Cultural Product in the Service of the Celebration of Archaeological Landscapes.
Anastasia Gadolou, Department of Prehistoric and Classical Archaeological Sites, Monuments and Archaeological Works

3E: The Archaeology of Magna Grecia and Sicily

Depositional Processes on the Piano del Tamburino – Himera
Marcella Boglione, University of Bern

Worshipping Athena at Akragas: Archaeological Evidence from temple D
Gianfranco Adornato, Scuola Normale Superiore, and Maria Concetta Parello, Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi di Agrigento

Perceiving Phases: the Peribolos Wall of the Main Urban Sanctuary at Selinunte
Rebecca Salem, Institute of Fine Arts – New York University, David Scahill, Austrian Archaeological Institute at Athens, and Kate Minniti, Brandeis University

The Agora Valley Project at Morgantina, Sicily: Report on the 2023 Field Season
William Pedrick, Princeton University, Alex Moskowitz, University of Michigan, Andrea Samz-Pustol, Bryn Mawr College, Kevin Ennis, Indiana University Bloomington, Phoebe Thompson, University of Pennsylvania, and Christy Schirmer, Tulane University, Anne Truetzel, Davidson College, and Alex Walthall, University of Texas

Change and Continuity in the Third Century BCE at Metaponto:  Revising the Chronology of Black Glaze Pottery
Eric Del Fabbro, McMaster University

A Temple to Astarte “Aglaia”: Navigating Phoenician Maritime Religion
Mara McNiff, University of Texas at Austin

Urbanism and Urban Transformations in the Plain of Gioia Tauro from 900 to 250 BCE
Anna-Elisa Stuempel, University of Melbourne

3F: Mycenaean Greece

Nestor’s Two Forests: Sustainable practices and resource procurement in the Pylian Kingdom
Rebekah McKay, University of California, Berkeley

The Girl on the Mycenaean Ivory Triad: Identifying Her Garment, Hairstyle, and Identity
Bernice R. Jones, Independent Scholar

New Perspectives on Rhyta from the Mycenaean Mainland
Elizabeth Keyser, University of California, Berkeley

The Mourner is Present: Performance Art and the Mycenaean Funeral
David M. Wheeler, UC Berkeley

3G: Ancient Monuments and Fascist Italy: Reception, Appropriation, and Innovation (Colloquium)

Organizers: Elizabeth Macaulay, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York, and Kimberly Cassibry, Wellesley College

A Curious Canon: Modeling Triumphal Arches for Mussolini’s Mostra Augustea
Kimberly Cassibry, Wellesley College

The Arch of Constantine in Rome’s Fascist Streetscape
Austen LaRocca, Rutgers University

The Arch of the Philaeni: Between Antiquity, Modernity—and Modernism
Francesco de Angelis, Columbia University

The Balbo Column in Chicago: A Patriotic Gift or a Fascist Ambassador?
Elizabeth Macaulay, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

Ritual Pastiche: Ara Caduti Fascisti (Altar of the Fascist Martyrs)
Flavia Marcello, Swinburne University of Technology

The First Fruits of Empire: Aeneid XI and the Monumentalising of Modern Italian Imperialism
Samuel Agbamu, University of Reading

3H: Religious Communication in the Terracotta Temple Decoration of Central Italy (Colloquium)
Sponsored by AIA Etruscan Interest Group

Organizers: Alexander Ekserdjian, Yale University, and Allia Benner, University of Oxford

Discussant: Corinna Riva, University College London

Ways of Seeing: On Temples and their Terracottas in Republican Rome
Fay Glinister, Cardiff University

The End of an Era: Reinterpreting the Herakles and Athena Acroteria (ca. 540-530 BCE)
Allia Benner, University of Oxford

Sacro-Creative Action and the Making of Gods in and beyond Rome
John Hopkins, New York University and Emily Frank, New York University

Space, Place, and Performance: the Cultural Poetics of Italic Temple Decoration
Gregory Warden, Southern Methodist University

Disposing of Sacred Images: The End of the Life of Architectural Terracottas
Fabio Colivicchi, Queen’s University

3I: Reconsidering Ritual Agency and Depositional Processes in Greek Sacred Contexts (Colloquium)

Organizers: Andrew Ward, Emory University, and Amanda C. Ball, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Discussant: Michael Laughy, Washington and Lee University

Dining and Deposition. Distinguishing Human and Divine Use of Space in Sanctuaries by Deposits
Gunnel Ekroth, Uppsala University

Building Apollo in a Multicultural Peraia: Theorizing the Floor Deposit of the Temple of Apollo at Mesemvria-Zoni
Amanda Ball, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Votive Deposits or Sacred Rubbish? Reassessing the Evidence from the Acropolis of Syracuse
Gulio Amara, Scuola Normale Superiore

Kouroi Fragments Deposited in Sanctuary Contexts
Nikos Gkiokas, Duke University

The Masks of Orthia and Ritual Ontology
Savannah Marquardt, Yale University

Greek Foundation Rituals and the Link Between Private and Public Religion
Hannah Smagh, Penn State University

3J: Culture of Peace and War in Mediterranean Antiquity

Food on the Move: Cooking and Community at Sea in Late Antiquity
Andrew Donnelly, Texas A&M University-Commerce, and Justin Leidwanger, Stanford University

Hunting Dolphins in the Black Sea
Magie Aiken, University of Copenhagen, Elena Gladilina, Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea, Canan Çakırlar, University of Groningen, Sergey Telizhenko, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Youri van den Hurk, Norwegian University of Sci

Aquatic Contexts as a Place to Conduct ‘Magical’ Rituals
Alessandra Rocchetti, University of Oxford

From Here to Yhere in the First Century BCE: Identifying Passengers and Crew from Shipwrecked Remains
Carrie Atkins, University of Toronto

A Garrison Quarter in Hellenistic Lycia: Evidence of the Diadochoi and Epigonoi in the Tepecik Settlement at Patara
Erkan Dündar, Akdeniz University

Fortification Systems of the Macedonian Successors – Similarities in Defenses at Plataea (Greece) and Aphrodisias (Rough Cilicia)
Nicholas Rauh, Purdue University, Patrikakis Charalampos, West Attica University, Maria Koukouli, West Attica University, Sorin Matei, Purdue University, Ayman Habib, Purdue University, Daniel Aliaga, Purdue University, Lynn Parrish, Purdue University


4A: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) in Archaeology and the AIA (Workshop)
Sponsored by AIA Research and Academic Affairs Committee

Organizers: Kim Shelton, UC Berkeley, Elizabeth M. Greene, University of Western Ontario, and Dimitri Nakassis, University of Colorado

Panelists: Camille Acosta, University of California, Irvine, Nadhira Hill, Randolph-Macon College, Najee Olya, The College of William & Mary, Mason Shrader, Brown University, and Morag Kersel, DePaul University

4B: The Archaeology of Aegean Islands and Coasts: A View from Porto Rafti, Greece based on the Results of the BEARS Survey (Colloquium)

Organizer: Catherine Pratt, University of Texas at Austin

Implementing Survey in a Suburban Coastal Context: Reflections from the BEARS Project
Grace Erny, University of California, Berkeley, and Maeve McHugh, University of Birmingham

Chipped Stone Tools from the Bays of East Attica Regional Survey (BEARS)
Aikaterini Psoma, University of Illinois at Chicago

LH IIIC Pottery in the Bay of Porto Rafti: Insights into Production, Consumption, and Exchange
Bartłomiej Lis, Polish Academy of Sciences

Koroni and Porto Rafti in the Greek Historical Period
Miriam Clinton, Rhodes College, and Melanie Godsey, Texas Tech University

Roman Period Porto Rafti: Results of the Bays of East Attica Regional Survey, 2019-2022
Joseph Frankl, University of Michigan

4C: The Development of Roman Colonial Coinages from the Middle Republic to the First Century CE (Colloquium)

Organizers: Robyn Le Blanc, UNC Greensboro, and Melissa Ludke, Florida State University

Discussant: Amy Coles, Illinois Wesleyan University

The Earliest Roman Colonial Coinages: Dialogues with Rome
Marleen Termeer, Radboud University

Colonial Coinages, and the Lack Thereof: Financing Colonial Programmes outside Italy (ca. 140- 70 BCE)
Charles Parisot-Sillon, IRAMAT-CEB and the University of Orléans

Roman Colonial Types in the First Centuries BCE/CE: A Reappraisal
Robyn Le Blanc, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Non-Canonical Design of ‘Foundation Scene’ Depicted on Coins from the Uncertain Cilician Colony
Szymon Jellonek, University of Warsaw

Iberian coinages and the developing of colonial economies in NE Hispania (c.150-c.70 BCE)

4D: Cultural Encounters in the North Pontic Region after Antiquity (Colloquium)
Sponsored by AIA Medieval and Post-Medieval Archaeology Interest Group and AIA Eastern European and Eurasian Interest Group

Organizer: Adam Rabinowitz, The University of Texas at Austin

Discussant: Renata Holod, The University of Pennsylvania

Between the Great Steppe and the Great Empire: Monuments of the Saltovo-Mayaky Archaeological Culture in Crimea (7th – 10th centuries CE)
Viacheslav Baranov, Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Medieval Hillforts in the Southern Bug  Region: Problems of Origin, Function, and Preservation
Olha Manihda, Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

A Cemetery of the Western Balts at Ostriv (11th century CE) in Light of the Latest Archaeological Research
Vsevolod Ivakin, Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Viacheslav Baranov, Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Cross-Cultural Interaction in the Northern Black Sea Region during the Late Middle Ages from the Perspective of Glazed Ceramics Study
Iryna Teslenko, Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Yona Waksman, CNRS/Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée

Slavic Pompeii or Slavic Jerusalem: Crimean Chersonesos between World Heritage and Orthodox Tradition
Adam Rabinowitz, The University of Texas at Austin

4E: New Fieldwork in Roman Archaeology II

The 2023 Field Season of the Libarna Urban Landscapes Project (LULP)
Katherine V. Huntley, Boise State University, Alexis Christensen, University of Utah, Alexis Mosley, Network Archaeology (UK), and Richard Chadwick, Museum of London Archaeology

Results from the 2023 Season of Excavation at the Roman Villa of Vacone, Italy by the Upper Sabina Tiberina Project
Tyler Franconi, Brown University, Giulia Bellato, University of Cambridge, Dylan Bloy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Gary Farney, Rutgers University, Newark, Andrew McLean, Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology, Tarragona, James Page, British S

Constructing a Micro-Chronology for the Rural Minor Center at Podere Marzuolo: 2022 and 2023 Results of the Marzuolo Archaeological Project
Rhodora G. Vennarucci, University of Arkansas, Astrid Van Oyen, Radboud University, and Gijs W. Tol, University of Melbourne

Recent Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Pian di Mealla, Umbria
Joey Williams, University of Oklahoma, Susan E. Alcock, University of Oklahoma, Amanda Regnier, Oklahoma Archeological Survey, Scott Hammerstedt, Oklahoma Archeological Survey, and Claudio Bizzarri, CEE Orvieto

The Meknes Valley Archaeological Survey:  Roman Era Trade and Early Medieval Identities
Jared Benton, Old Dominion Univeristy, Mustapha Atki, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Ain Chock , Casablanca, and Basma Mejrihi,  L’Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine

Excavations at the Roman Necropolis of Histria, Romania (First-Sixth c. CE)
Elijah Fleming, University of Minnesota, Katherine L. Reinberger, Center for Applied Isotope Studies, University of Georgia, and Adam Rabinowitz, University of Texas at Austin

Cooking and Community in the Cult of Mithras
Brigitte Keslinke, University of Pennsylvania

4F: Mobility, Migration, and Connectivity in North Africa (Colloquium)
Sponsored by AIA Archaeology of North Africa Interest Group

Organizers:  James Prosser, University of Michigan, and Stephen Collins-Elliott, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Archaeogenetics and the Carthaginian Empire: Population History in Punic Tunisia
Reed Johnston Morgan, Harvard University/Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Fatma Touj, Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisie, Yamen Sghaïer, Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisiem, and Harald Ringbauer, Max Planck Institute for Evo

Migration and Ancestry in the Vandal and Byzantine Population of Carthage
Reed Johnston Morgan, Harvard University/Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Najd Chalghoumi, Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisie, Susan Stevens, Randolph College, John Humphrey, Journal of Roman Archaeology, Jeremy Rossiter, Universi

Migrating Tombs, from Rome to Carthage
Joann Freed, University of Alberta

Desert Entanglement: Social Connectivity and Networked Agency in Religious Expression on Rome’s Tripolitanian Frontier
Anna Walas, University of Nottingham

Networks of Control: Comparing Geographies of Empire between Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages in North Africa
Stephen Collins-Elliott, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

4G: Central Greece

The Southern Phokis Regional Project: Results of the 2023 Field Season
Andrew Koh, Yale University, Cheryl Floyd, AIA Member at Large, Ian Roy, Brandeis University, Trevor Luke, Florida State University, Savannah Bishop, Koç University, Micah Gold, Yale University, Matthew MacFarline, Hollis-Brookline High School, and Ioannis Liritzis, European Academy of Sciences & Arts

New Excavations at Ancient Eleon in Eastern Boeotia
Trevor Van Damme, University of Victoria, Brendan Burke, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Bryan Burns, Wellesley College, Alexandra Charami, Ephorate of Antiquities of Boeotia, and Nicholas Herrmann, Texas State University

The Trade of Pictorial Pottery in the 12th century BCE: New Data from Ancient Eleon, Boeotia
Ben Watts-Wooldridge, University of Victoria

Geoarchaeology and Soil Micromorphology Insights into Late Bronze Age Constructions at Eleon, Greece
Amanda M. Gaggioli, University of Memphis

Monuments of Earth and Stone:  Social Significance of Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Tumuli at Mitrou,  Central Greece
Aleydis Van de Moortel, University of Tennessee, and Nicholas P. Herrmann, Texas State University at San Marcos

Signs Beyond the Cadmea: An Imported Seal Stone from the Ismenion Hill
Katherine B. Harrington, Independent Scholar, and Catherine Steidl, Independent Scholar

4H: Ancient Makerspaces (Joint AIA-SCS Workshop)
Sponsored by The Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication Art Libraries Society of North America

Organizers: Nicole Constantine, Stanford University, Chen, Anne, Bard College, and Chris Motz, University of Richmond

Panelists: Chiara Palladino, Furman University, Joshua Kemp, Furman University, Anna Cosner, University of Cincinnati, Ana Santory Rodríguez, University of Michigan, Charles Pletcher, Columbia University, Emily Pearce Seigerman, Yale University Art Gallery, Benjamin Hellings, Yale University Art Gallery, Tyler Jo Smith, University of Virginia, Allison Sterrett-Krause, College of Charleston, Anne Chen, Bard College, Karen Matthews, University of Miami, Dorian Borbonus, University of Dayton, Niels Bargfeldt, University of Copenhagen, Michelle Martinez, Walnut Hills High School, Alex Elvis Badillo, Indiana State University, and Marc N. Levine, Indiana State University

4I: Bringing Ancient Spaces to Life with 3D Technology

Transforming the Nature of Wall Plans: Using Advanced Methods to Record the Graffiti of Philae
Nick Hedley, Simon Fraser University, Sabrina C. Higgins, Simon Fraser University, Jitse H.F. Dijkstra, University of Ottawa, and Roxanne Bélanger Sarrazin, University of Oslo

Archaeology to Ground Control, Do You Read Me?: Advancing Digital Methods for 3D Field Documentation at Pompeii, Insula I.14
Gretchen Zoeller, University of Pittsburgh, Cade O’Fallon, St. Olaf College, Kortnee Bell, AIA Member at Large, Alex Badillo, Indiana State University, and Allison Emerson, Tulane University

Re-interpreting the Urban Layout of the Greek city of Heloros (Sicily) using Proximal Sensing and Data Fusion
Davide Tanasi, Institute for Digital Exploration (IDEx), University of South Florida, Nicola Lercari, Institute for Digital Cultural Heritage Studies, LMU-Munich, Rosa Lanteri, Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico di Siracusa, Eloro, Villa del Tellaro e Akrai – Italy, Dario Calderone, Institute for Digital Cultural Heritage Studies, LMU-Munich, Paolino Trapani, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Catania – Italy,  and Stephan Hassam, Institute for Digital Exploration (IDEx), University of South Florida

From Bits to Bytes: New 3D Digital Studies on the Roman Villa del Casale at Piazza Armerina (Sicily)
Stephan Hassam, Institute for Digital Exploration (IDEx), University of South Florida, Davide Tanasi, Institute for Digital Exploration (IDEx), University of South Florida, Isabella Baldini, Università di Bologna, Italy, Kaitlyn Kingsland, Institute for Digital Exploration (IDEx), University of South Florida, Giulia Marsili, Università di Bologna, Italy, Claudia Lamanna, Università di Bologna, Italy, Paolo Barresi, Università degli Studi di Enna “Kore”, and Carla Sfameni, CNR, Istituto per le Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (ISPC), Roma

The Use of the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Video Game in the Labyrinth: Knossos Myth and Reality Exhibit at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Andrew J. Shapland, Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford, Amy Jenkins – Le Guerroué, Ubisoft, Romain Fascialé, Ubisoft, and Felicity McDowall, University of Oxford

4J: Fantastic (and real) beasts and where to find them in Etruria (Colloquium)
Sponsored by AIA Etruscan Interest Group

Organizers: Daniele Federico Maras, Ministry of Culture (Rome, Italy), Fabio Colivicchi, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and Cristiana Zaccagnino, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Discussant: Nancy T.  de Grummond, Florida State University

The Fantastic and the Real Deer of Etruria
Lora Holland Goldthwaite, University of North Carolina at Asheville

Creatures of the Sea on Architectural Terracottas of Caere
Fabio Colivicchi, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

Extirpations in Etruria: Missing Lynxes and the Missing Link between Material Cultural and Ecological Knowledge
Meryl Shriver-Rice, University of Miami, Abess Center for Ecosystem Science & Policy

Non-native and Migrant Birds in Etruria: the Rooster, the Swallow, and Others
Cristiana Zaccagnino, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

The Neo-Orientalizing Beasts of Late Archaic Caere
Daniele Federico Maras, Ministry of Culture, Rome, Italy


5A: Regional Mobility and the Formation of Early Greek Communities (Colloquium)

Organizers: Naoise Mac Sweeney, University of Vienna

Regional Mobilities and the Making of Community in East Lokris
Eleni Kopanaki, University of Vienna

The Making of Ionia: Land-Based Interregional Interactions
Jana Mokrišová, University of Cambridge

Calabria through Time: Regional Mobilities and Settlement Dynamics
Francesco Quondam, University of Vienna

Regional Mobilities in Métauros, Calabria
Clara Hansen, University of Vienna

Cultivating the Emerging Greek World: Land Use, Urbanisation and Interaction in the Iron Age Mediterranean
Tom Maltas, University of Vienna

5B: Pompeii

Strategies of Security: An Examination of Roman Locks from Regio I, Insula 11 in Pompeii
Susanna Faas-Bush, University of California, Berkeley and Francesca LaPasta, University of California, Berkeley.

Aut Sol Aut Umbra: Bath Orientation, Sun Position, and Mechanisms for Maximizing Solar Radiation in Pompeian Villae Rusticae
Cristina M. Hernández, Mt. San Antonio College

ADRESSing Venus Pompeiana’s Roles in Food Production, Textiles, and Spectacle
Lisa A. Hughes, University of Calgary

Out of the Patera, Into the Fire: Bronze Paterae as Equipment for Domestic and Small Scale Commercial Bread and Pastry-Making in First Century Rome
Farrell Monaco, University of Leicester (UK) – School of Ancient History and Archaeology

Leisure and Labor in a Pompeian Garden:  The Casa Della Regina Carolina Project, Pompeii, 2022–2023 Field Seasons
Caitie Barrett, Cornell University, Kathryn Gleason, Cornell University, Lee Graña, Independent Scholar, Annalisa Marzano, Università di Bologna, and Kaja Tally-Schumacher, Cornell University

5C: Temples and Sacred Space in the Greek World

Cultic Topographies in the Neda Borderlands
Shannon M. Dunn, Bryn Mawr College

Contextualizing the Temple at Ano Melpia, Messenia
Eirini Spyropoulou, Princeton

The Archaic Temple of Athena Hippolaitis in Southwestern Mani
Philip Sapirstein, University of Toronto

The Origin of Greek Architecture in ‘Prop-and-Brace’ Seismic Construction
Richard M. Economakis, University of Notre Dame

Experiencing Epiphany in the Ancient Greek Sanctuary
Jessica Paga, William & Mary

5D: Recent Fieldwork on Houses and Settlements in Southern Italy and Neighboring Islands

The 2023 Field Season at the Indigenous Oenotrian Settlement at Incoronata “greca” (MT, Italy)
Sveva Savelli, Saint Mary’s University, and Spencer Pope, McMaster University

New Investigations at Torre Mordillo (Cosenza, Italy):  Preliminary Results of the 2023 Survey and Research Perspectives
Mattia D’Acri, University of Missouri, and Ilaria Battiloro, Mount Allison University

Excavating Domestic Space at Segesta, Sicily: Results of the Arizona Sicily Project’s 2022 and 2023 Seasons
Robert Schon, University of Arizona, Emma Blake, University of Arizona, Alena Wigodner, Princeton University, Fabrizio Ducati, Culture e Società, Università degli Studi di Palermo, and Victoria Moses, Harvard University

Fieldwork at Rocchicella di Mineo (Sicily) 2019 – 2023
Brian E. McConnell, Florida Atlantic University, Emma Buckingham, University of Missouri Columbia, Laura Maniscalco, Florida Atlantic University, and Michela Ursino, Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Catania

5E: Islands in the Bronze Age

Mythical Legacies and Bronze Age Realities: Revisiting Knossian and Naxian Connections
Shannon Crewson, McMaster University, and Kristine Mallinson, Westminster College

Movement in Xeste 3, Akrotiri and the Potential for Kinaesthetic Address
Hana Sugioka, University of Texas at Austin

A Griffin Throne from the Mycenaean Building on the Koukounaries Hill, Paros, Cyclades, Greece
Robert B. Koehl, New York Society

Terracotta Interspecies Figures from Ayia Triada: Traditional Iconography or Artistic Innovation?
Guy Hedreen, Williams College

Late Bronze Age Obsidian Trade at Nuraghe Santa Barbara di Bauladu (Sardinia, Italy)
Robert H. Tykot, University of South Florida

5F: Archaeology in the Making: Historographical and Archival Approaches to Archaeology

Egyptian Interlocutors in the Archaeological Work of Paul Lucas and Claude Sicard, 1700-1725
Jennifer Westerfeld, University of Louisville

Archaeology and the Portuguese Authoritarian Regime:  The Municipal Commissions for Art and Archaeology
Beatriz Barros, Indiana University Bloomington

Beyond Hidden Hands: Scholars, Sailors, and Ottoman Communities in George Scharf’s Lycian Sketchbooks
Sebastian Marshall, University of Cambridge

The Commodore’s Curious Collection: Jesse Duncan Elliott and the American Grand Tour
Emily Angelucci, Dickinson College, and J. Andrew Dufton, Dickinson College

Digging Up Troy: A Worker from the University of Cincinnati Expedition to the Troad
Jeffrey L. Kramer, University of Cincinnati

5G: Archaeological Science

The Fabrics of the Rural Economy: Peasant Ceramic Networks in First Centuries BCE/CE Roman Tuscany
Mark Van Horn, University of Pennsylvania

“Breaking-down” the Aegean Final Neolithic (mid. Fifth- Fourth mill. BCE) with the Use of Absolute, Radiocarbon Dates: Phases, Pottery Sequences and Regional Differentiation
Aikaterini Psimogiannou, University of Illinois at Chicago

Reconstruction of Population Ancestry of Ladakh Region using Ancient DNA and Stable Isotopic Approach
Richa Rajpal, Birbal Sahni  Institute of Palaeosciences, and Snigdha Konar, Birbal Sahni  Institute of Palaeosciences

5H: Ancient Makerspaces (Joint AIA-SCS Workshop)
Sponsored by The Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication Art Libraries Society of North America

Organizers: Nicole Constantine, Stanford University, Chen, Anne, Bard College, and Chris Motz, University of Richmond

5I: Reading Images: New Approaches to Old Finds

The ‘Polyxena’ Sarcophagus: A Revision
Clemente Marconi, New York University, and Peter A. Thompson, New York University

Innovative Perspectives: Frontal Komasts in Black-Figure Vase Painting
Monica K. Bulger, Boston College

Schadenfreude in Protocorinthian Vase-Painting: Delight in the Death of Ajax?
Angela Ziskowski, Coe College

Activating Dionysos: Animation, Decoration and Experience through Fourth century BCE Silver Calyx Cups
Ellen Archie, Emory University

Following the Scent: unpacking the Meaning of Fragrant Flowers in Ancient Greek Coins
Marianna Spinelli, University of Calabria

5J: Archaeological Projects for K-12 Teachers (Workshop)
Sponsored by AIA Outreach & Education Committee

Organizer: Laura Rich, AIA VP-Outreach & Education Committee

Panelists: Dawn Cox, Los Angeles Unified School District; Phil Snider, Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute, Toronto; Joel Walker, University of Washington; and Shelby Brown, J. Paul Getty Museum

5K: Peer Review: Present Tensions, Future Directions (Joint AIA-SCS Workshop)

Organizers: Sam Huskey, University of Oklahoma, Jennifer Sacher, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and Colin Whiting, Dumbarton Oaks

Panelists: Ellen Bauerle, University of Michigan Press, Emma Blake, University of Arizona & AJA, Sam Huskey, University of Oklahoma, Sarah Murray, University of Toronto & JMA, Sarah Nooter, University of Chicago & CP, Jennifer Sacher, ASCSA & Hesperia, Colin Whiting, Dumbarton Oaks & DOP, and Lin Foxhall, University of Liverpool & JHS


6A: Small Worlds of the Milesian Colonial System (Colloquium)
Sponsored by the AIA Eastern Europe/Eurasia Interest Group and the AIA Anatolia Interest Group

Organizers: Owen Doonan, California State University Northridge

Good Fences make Good Neighbors: Thoughts on the eschatia and the “Small World” of Colonial Sinope
Owen Doonan, California State University Northridge

Miletus at the time of the Great Colonisation
Christof Berns, University of Hamburg

Reconstituting Social Landscapes of a Milesian City: Economical Strategies and Evolution of the Settlement Patterns on the Territory of Apollonia Pontica
Alexandre Baralis, Louvre Museum, and Teodora Bogdanova, Institute of Archaeology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Views on the Colonization of the Ancient City of Parion in Light of the Archaeological Data
Vedat Keles, Ondokuz Mayis University

Influences of Milesian Urban Form in Early Tieion
Sahin Yildirim, Bartin University

Delta Living: the Influence of Rivers, Wetlands and Coastal Features on Archaic Settlement Patterns around Histria
Iulian Bîrzescu, Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Adam Rabinowitz, University of Texas, and Alfred Vespremeanu Stroe, University of Bucharest

Olbia Pontica – a Milesian apoikia between Tradition and Interaction
Alla V. Buiskykh, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Jochen Fornasier, Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg

6B: Archaeology of Death around the Mediterranean: Old Problems, New Insights

Reconstructing the Ancient Context of a Grave Assemblage from Notion
Christina DiFabio, American School of Classical Studies at Athens

The ‘Sarcophagus of Rufina’ from Tyre: Material and Visual Approaches to Funerary Ritual in Roman-period Phoenicia
Nicholas Aherne, University of Groningen

Rivalry and Destruction in Macedonian Funerary Monuments:  The Evidence of a Newly Excavated Sculptural Assemblage from Pydna
Rachel M. Kousser, City University of New York

Deposits in the Embankments of Late Iron Age Thracian Tumuli: Evidence of Rituals, Chronology, and the Connection to the Architectural Monuments
Hristomir S. Hristov, Naval Museum Varna

Fake Food: Lead Feasting Utensils, Terracotta Food, and Community Formation in Pre-Roman Southern Italy
Matthias Hoernes, University of Vienna

Breaking Boundaries, Building Communities: An Analysis of the Funerary Evidence from the Hellenistic-Republican Necropolis of Cefalù
Claire Challancin, Cornell University

6C: Gold Medal Symposium in Honor of John McK. Camp II. Luck and Strategy:  Fortune in Excavation and Study (Colloquium)

Organizers: Margaret M. Miles, University of California, Irvine, and Kevin F. Daly, Bucknell University

Discussant: Kevin F. Daly, Bucknell University

New Thoughts on an Old Hill:  The Kolonos Agoraios
Kathleen Lynch, University of Cincinnati

Dionysos Ancient and Modern: A Cult Statue of Dionysos from Piraeus
Olga Palagia, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

The Discovery of the Artemision at Amarynthos: Between Disaster, Luck, and Strategy
Sylvian Fachard, University of Lausanne

Commercial Fortune in Late Archaic Athens: A New Shop Building North of the Eridanos River
Brian Martens, University of St. Andrews

Armchair Archaeology: The Use and Reuse of Thrones in Athens and Attica
Catherine Keesling, Georgetown University

Medicine at the Agora
Susan Rotroff, Washington University in St. Louis

6D: Mobility and Local Traditions in Gaul and the British Isles

Local Expertise and Architectural Innovation in the Earth-Built Theaters of Roman Gaul
John Sigmier, University of Pennsylvania

Word and Image, Mobility and Displacement: Vercingetorix in Coinage
Marsha McCoy, Southern Methodist University

Silver Spiral Rings in Iron Age Scotland: A Case Study in Material Efficacy
Jenna R. Martin, Cornell University

Movement through Coins: Detecting Movement and Mobility between Rome and Late Iron Age Britain through Coinage
Phoebe Hyun, Harvard University

Not Always Black and White: The Transmission and Social Role of Black-and-White Mosaics in Roman Britannia
Caroline Nemechek, University of Michigan

Movement and Mobility on the Roman Military Frontier: An Isotopic Study on Cremation Burials from Hadrian’s Wall
Simon Mays, Historic England, UK, Rick J. Schulting, University of Oxford, UK, John Pouncett, University of Oxford, UK, Tony Wilmott, Historic England, UK, and Christophe Snoeck, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.

6E: Breaking New Ground in Southeastern Europe with Innovative Strategies: Research by Emerging Scholars (Colloquium)
Sponsored by AIA Eastern Europe/Eurasian Interest Group

Organizers: Sterling Wright, Penn State Univerisity, and Erina Baci

Using the Ancient DNA in Dental Calculus to Understand the Effects of Urbanization across the Black Sea Region
Sterling Wright, Penn State University, Marine Chkadua, Georgian National Museum, Sorin Ailincai, Bucharest University, Alexandra Tarlea, Bucharest University, and Laura Weyrich, Penn State University

The Application of aDNA in Kinship Analysis in Histria
Amber Kearns, University of Texas, Austin

Looking at the Big Picture: Using Geographic Information Systems to Explore Settlement Patterns in Kosova
Erina Baci, University of Michigan, Leela Anderson, University of Michigan, and Joana Hila, University of Michigan

WIthout a Trace: Re-Examining Relationships Between Matt-Painted Pottery in Albania and Italy
Leah Bernardo-Ciddio, University of Michigan

“Shumë Shqip Sheep: Preliminary Isotopic Data towards understanding Prehistoric Herding Practices in Albania”
Julian E. Schultz, University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology

Preserving the Periphery: GIS Recording and Analysis of the Roman Kastra of Kalymnos, Greece
Drosos Kardulias, University of Michigan, P. Nick Kardulias, , University of Michigan, Elliot Greiner, , University of Michigan, and India Pruette, University of Michigan

The Genetics of Malaria Resistance in Ancient Rome
Hannah Moots, University of Chicago, David Pickel, Georgetown University, Alessandra Sperduti, Museum of Civilizations, Bioarchaeology Service; Rome, Italy, Francesca Candilio, Museum of Civilizations, Bioarchaeology Service; Rome, Italy, and Ron Pinhas, Independent Scholar

6F: Ancient Apulia. New Perspectives (Colloquium)

Organizers: Valeria Riedemann Lorca, University of Washington, and Karolina Sekita, Tel-Aviv University

Discussant: Luigi Todisco, Università degli Studi di Bari «Aldo Moro»

A Necessary Apulian Perspective: The Study of Excavation Materials and Red-Figure Ceramics in an Interdisciplinary Form in the Post-Trendall Era
Luigi Todisco, Università degli Studi di Bari «Aldo Moro»

From Bovino-Castelluccio dei Sauri to the Apulian Tavoliere: New Data on the Stone Sculptures of the Protohistoric Daunia
Maria Luisa Nava, Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli

Recent Research on Arpi. A Very Large Daunian agglomeration in the Hellenistic Period
Claude Pouzadoux, Université Paris Nanterre, and Priscilla Munzi, Centre Jean Bérard, CNRS, EFR

Aristocratic Burials from Rutigliano (Bari) in Peucetia.  Assemblages, Prestige Goods, and Images from Tombs of Contrada Purgatorio
Andrea Celestino Montanaro, National Research Council of Italy, CNR

Funerary Naiskoi on Apulian Red-Figure Pottery: Sources and Implications Revisited
Karolina Sekita, Tel-Aviv University

Trendall in Apulia: Dale Trendall and the Trendall Archive
Gillian Shepherd, Director, A.D. Trendall Research Centre for Ancient Mediterranean Studies, La Trobe University

6G: Recent Research on Houses at Pompeii and Oplontis

A Welcome Motion Picture for a Roman Guest: An Experiential Approach to Pompeian Oscilla
Mekayla May, University of Maryland, College Park

Look and (Don’t) Touch: Non-Normative Spatial Experiences at Villa A, Oplontis
Max Meyer, Brown University

Archaeology as a Productive Practice:  Models and Results from Legacy Data Analysis at Oplontis Villa B (Torre Annunziata, Italy)
Jennifer L. Muslin, Loyola University Chicago

6H: Ecologies of Cultural Heritage in Turkey: Practice, Preservation, and the Future (Colloquium)
Sponsored by AIA Cultural Heritage Committee and AIA Anatolian Archaeology Interest Group

Organizers: Ömür Harmanşah, University of Illinois, Alexander Bauer (City University of New York, Department of Anthropology)

Discussant: Zeynep Boz Ministry of Culture and Tourism, The Republic of Turkey

Heritage making, transnational subjectivity, and de-heritagization at an archaeological site in Turkey
Sevil Tırpan, Istanbul Technical University

The Integration of UNESCO Frameworks into Local Contexts: The Case of Turkey
Evrim Ulusan, Middle East Technical University

Publics, archaeologies and ways of seeing: from whom are we protecting the archaeological assets?
Işılay Gürsu, British Institute at Ankara

The SARAT—Safeguarding Archaeological Assets of Turkey—Project and Its Achievements
Gül Pulhan, British Institute at Ankara

Heritage Disaster: Preservation and Destruction in Eastern Turkey after the February 6 Earthquake
Laurent Dissard, ‘Université Fédérale de Toulouse

6I: Curatorial Practice Today (Workshop)
Sponsored by AIA Museums and Exhibitions Committee

Organizers: Phoebe Segal, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Lisa Çakmak, Art Institute of Chicago

Panelists: Alexis Belis, Metropolitan Museum of Art,  Sarah Lepinksi, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Yelena Rakic, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Benjamin Hellings, Yale University Art Gallery, Emily Pearce Seigerman, Yale University Art Gallery, Anastasia Christophilopoulou, Fitzwilliam Museum, Carolyn Laferriere, Princeton University Art Museum, Lisa Çakmak, Art Institute of Chicago, Stephanie Caruso, Art Institute of Chicago, and Elizabeth Dospel Williams, Dumbarton Oaks

6J: Excavating Excavation: Uncovering Accessibility from Fieldschool to Field Director (Workshop)
Sponsored by Student Affairs Interest Group (SAIG)

Organizers: Tina (TBP) Bekkali-Poio, University at Buffalo (SUNY), Amanda Cates Ball, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Elisabeth Woldeyohannes, University at Buffalo (SUNY), and Mekayla May, University of Maryland

Panelists: Katelin McCullough, Hollins University, Edoardo Vanni, Università per Stranieri di Siena, Andrew Ward, Emory University, and Jonathon White, University at Buffalo


7A: Dynamics of Roman Production and Economy

Maritime Trade Dynamics and Regional Markets within the Roman Red Sea from the Principate to Late Antiquity
Nicholas Bartos, Stanford University

Piracy and Economic Production in Roman Asia Minor: Recent Developments at Antiochia ad Cragum in Rough Cilicia, Türkiye
Asena Kızılarslanoğlu, Kastamonu University, Michael Hoff, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Megan Moore, Eastern Michigan University

The Sum of its Parts: The Relationship between Pottery Workshops and Urban Spaces
Erica A. Venturo, University of Michigan

Excavating a Vineyard: Problems and Solutions
Simeon D. Ehrlich, Fulbright/Hebrew University of Jerusalem

A Late Roman Wine Shop at Sikyon, Greece
Scott Gallimore, Wilfrid Laurier University, and Martin Wells, Austin College

Sales of Sail: The Production and Economy behind Roman Sails
Leah E. Tavasi, University of Oxford

Supply and Demand: Adaptable Patterns of Sourcing Ancient Roman Brick at Cosa and Gabii
Christina Cha, Florida State University

Leather for the Legions? Reconstructing the Middle Danube Livestock Trade
Timothy C. Hart, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

7B: Coins, Copies, and Prototypes (Joint AIA-SCS Colloquium)
Sponsored by Friends of Numismatics

Organizers: Nathan Elkins, American Numismatic Society, and Roberta Stewart, Dartmouth College

Discussant: Benjamin Hellings, Yale University Art Gallery

The First Prototypes on Early Electrum Coinage: From Seemingly Random Emblems to an Iconographic Program
Ute Wartenberg, American Numismatic Society

Coping with Loss and Confusion: Copying Old Coins for a New Identity
Daniel Qin, University of Pennsylvania

Prototypes, Copies, and Fakes: A Case Study of the Croton, Thourioi, and the Italiote League
Marc Wahl, University of Vienna

Political and Cultural Continuity with Argead Prototypes in Early Hellenistic Royal Coinage
Alexander Meeus, University of Mannheim

The Abduction of Persephone on Coin Types of the Eastern Roman Provinces
Jane Evans, Temple University

Imperial Imagery on Roman Provincial Coins: Prototypes and Derivations
Dario Calomino, University of Verona

7C: Diversity and Power: Centering Achaemenid Persian Imperialism (Joint AIA-SCS Colloquium)

Organizers: Michael Taylor, University at Albany SUNY, and John Hyland

Pax Persica: Small Wars and the Achaemenid Frontiers
John Hyland, Christopher Newport University

Satraps and Regional Governance in the Achaemenid Empire: A Comparative Perspective
Rhyne King, St. Andrews University

Reviewing the Achaemenid signature: Elamite documentation from Persepolis
Wouter Henkelman, École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris)

Tradition, Innovation, and Ideology Among the Inscribed Seals from the Persepolis Fortification Archive
Christina Chandler, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World

Slavery in Egypt Before and After the Persians: Continuity and Change
Ella Karev, University of Chicago

Teaching Achaemenid Imperialism, from the 19th Century to the Present
John Lee, University of California, Santa Barbara

7D: Representations of Ethnicity in the Ancient World and Museum Displays (Colloquium)
Sponsored by EOS Africana

Organizers: Danielle Bennett, The Menil Collection, and Branko van Oppen, Tampa Museum of Art

Discussant: Jackie Murray, University of Kentucky

Identity in the Ancient World
Jackie Murray, University of Kentucky

Recontextualizing Depictions of Aithiopes on Ancient Greek Vases in Museum Collections
Najee Olya, The College of William and Mary

A Head of an “African” Youth in Chicago: New Approaches to Interpretation and Display
Andrew Crocker, University of Michigan, and Katherine Raff, The Art Institute of Chicago

The Racialization of Black Peoples in Ancient Mediterranean Art: Two Case Studies from London and Los Angeles
Paula Gaither, Stanford University

Andromeda and the Representation of Foreigners at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
William Austin, Princeton University, and Phoebe Segal, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

‘Indian’ Figures as Living Loot on a Sarcophagus in Baltimore
Annemarie Catania, University of Chicago

7E: Gods on the Rocks: Epigraphy, Epigrams, and the Reconstruction of the Greek and Roman Religious Experience (Colloquium)
Sponsored by Society for Ancient Mediterranean Religions

Organizers: Jacob Latham, University of Tennessee, and Dina Boero, The College of New Jersey

The Spatiality of Epigraphy in Cult Caves, Ritual and Social Identities
James Hua, University of Oxford

Blending Multiple Identities of the Gods in Hellenistic Literary and Inscribed Epigrams
Federica Scicolone, University of Pavia

An Ashy Fig a Day: Divine Prescriptions and Space in the iamata of Lebena
Samantha Meyer, The University of Texas at Austin

Geographies of Jupiter: An Analysis of the Distribution of Jovian Epithets in Italy
Zehavi Husser, Biola University

Travelers’ Graffiti and Religious Experience in Egypt’s Western Desert
Nikolaos Lazaridis, California State University, Sacramento

Divine authority and entangled writing in early Cretan law
Rebecca Van Hove, University of Groningen

7F: The Quirinal Project (Colloquium)

Organizers: John North Hopkins, New York University, and Nicola Terrenato, The University of Michigan

Discussant: Ortwin Dally, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Rome

The Early Sixth Century Stratigraphy at Palazzo Canevari, Rome

Shiro Burnette, NYU Institute of Fine Arts and M. Claire Davis, NYU Institute of Fine Arts, and Mara Carcieri, Land Srl.

Re-Assembling the Stratigraphic Sequence of a Large Independent Wall in Opus Quadratum at Palazzo Canevari, Rome

Megan Gatton, NYU Institute of Fine Arts

Re-Assembling the Stratigraphic Sequence of Three Monumental Conjoined Walls in Opus Quadratum at Palazzo Canevari, Rome

Sam Ross, University of Michigan

Ceramic Materials from Excavations at the Palazzo Canevari, Rome

Mattia D’Acri, University of Missouri

Reconstructing the Ancient Built Environment at Palazzo Canevari, Rome: ca. 600 BCE-150 BCE

John North Hopkins, NYU/Institute of Fine Arts

The Topography of the Quirinal Hill in Light of Recent Excavations

Nicola Terrenato, University of Michigan

A New Museum at Palazzo Canevari

Mirella Serlorenzi, Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma and Giorgia Leoni, Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma

7G: Kinship Trouble:  Traversing Interdisciplinary Boundaries between Archaeology, Archaeogenetics, and Socio-cultural Anthropology (Workshop)

Organizers: Sabina Cvecek, Austrian Archaeological Institute; Field Museum, Maanasa Raghavan, University of Chicago, and Penny Bickle, University of York

Panelists: Penny Bickle, University of York, Eduardo Amorim, California State University, Beth K. Scaffidi, University of California, Jennifer Raff, The University of Kannsas, Peter Whiteley, American Museum of Natural History, and Sabina Cveček, Austrian Archeaological Institute/Field Museum of Natural History

7H: Numismatics

The Mysterious Case of the Portum Traiani Sestertius
Rabun Taylor, University of Texas at Austin

Jewish Revolt Coins and the Judaea Capta coins of Vespasian: Response/Call/Response
Arielle Suskin, Case Western Reserve University

Cleopatra and the Crocodile:  An Iconographical Problem
Hector Williams, University of British Columbia

7I: Architecture, Space, and Movement

Always Symbolic?: A Reevaluation of Tarquinian False Doors in Context
Cinzia S. Presti, University of Cincinnati

The ‘Where’ Question: Investigating the Spatial Organization of Etruscan Craft Production
Anna Soifer, Brown University

The Origins of the Roof Truss in the Ancient Mediterranean. Etruria
Alessandro Pierattini, University of Notre Dame

Intersections: Conceptualizing an Archaeology of Rest
Mitch Hendrickson, University of Illinois at Chicago, Tarini Bedi, University of Illinois at Chicago, and Rodrigo Solinis-Casparius, University of Illinois at Chicago

More than Meets the Eye: Connecting Aural and Visual Experience Inside the Etruscan Painted Tomb Space
Jacqueline K. Ortoleva, Seattle Central College

From City to Church: Processional Architecture in Space and Memory in the City of Rome During the Imperial Period and Into Late Antiquity
Kearstin A. Jacobson, University of Texas at Austin

7J: Archaeological Digital Scholarship: Impact and Inquiry (Workshop)
Sponsored by Digital Archaeological Interest Group (DAIG) and Digital Technology Committee

Organizers: Nathaniel Durant, Husson University, and David Massey, Indiana University

Panelists: Deidre Brin, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA; Jon Frey, Michigan State University; Gabriele Guidi, Indiana University; Matthew Notarian, Hiram College; Leigh Liberman, Open Context; and Rachel Starry, University of Pittsburgh Library System


8A: Law and Epigraphy in the Greek and Roman World (Joint AIA-SCS Colloquium)
Sponsored by American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy

Organizer: James Sickinger, Florida State University

Penalties for Officials in Athenian Inscribed Decrees
Edward Jones, Balliol College, Oxford

Loan Sharks in the Aegean Sea: Legal Culture and Epigraphy on Amorgos
Joshua Allbright, University of Southern California

Last Wills and Hellenistic Statehood: the Testament of Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (𝘚𝘌𝘎 IX 7)
Luuk de Boer, Bilkent University

It’s Who You Know. Co-freedmen Networks & Legal Knowledge in the Campanian Wax Tablets
Alex Cushing, Loyola University Maryland

Law as Narrative: Negotiating Provincial Identities in the Early Roman Empire
Rafail Zoulis, Yale University

8B: Writing in the Bronze Age

Writing Beyond the Palaces? The Case of the Ivory Houses at Mycenae
Theodore M. S. Nash, University of Michigan

Mycenaean Texts and Tombs: A Contradictory Picture?
Sophie Cushman, University of California, Berkeley

Redefining an Archive: A Guide to the Context of the Pylos Linear B Tablets from Rooms 7-8 and its Proper Analysis
John Evrenopoulos, Greek Ministry of Culture

Chairs and Stools and their Status Implications in the Pylos Ta ‘Totenmahl’ Inventory
Thomas Palaima, University of Texas at Austin

8C: The Third Century CE and Beyond

Re-populating Late Antique Gabii: Two Seasons of the “Gabii Legacy Data Project”
Marilyn Evans, Kalamazoo College, Laura Banducci, Carleton University, Parrish Wright, University of South Carolina, Rocco Bochicchio, Soprintendenza SSABAP Roma, and Chiara Andreotti, Soprintendenza SSABAP Roma

The Afterlife of an Oasis. The Petra Garden and Pool Complex from the Third Century Onwards
Sarah Wenner, University of Cincinnati, and Leigh-Ann Bedal, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

“Inflame her Heart”: An Erotic Curse between Women in Third Cent. CE Hermopolis Magna
Sophia K. Taborski, Cornell University

8D: Roman Victory on Display

Replication, Authenticity, and Plunder in Republican Rome
Madeline P. Newquist, Case Western Reserve University

It’s All How You Spin It: Marcus Fulvius Nobilior’s Display of Plunder
Jaymie Orchard, University of Otago

Inscribed Honor: The Information Technology of Inscriptions on the Altar at Adamclisi
Clara G. Pinchbeck, Case Western Reserve University

On the Unreality of the Actian Arch: Reassessing the Celebration of Actium in and beyond Rome.
Anne Hrychuk Kontokosta, New York University

8E: New Visual and Art Historical Approaches to Archaeological Finds

Decoding Color: Pigments in Domestic Decoration in the Classical Period
Alice Clinch, Cornell University

Polychromy in Corinthian Anatomical Votives
Grace M. Hermes, Brown University

Ivory and Bone Objects from Gordion (Turkey)
Phoebe Sheftel, Philadelphia Society

Re-examining the Red Shoes: Imported Luxury, Disability, Wealth, and Akropolis Kore 683
Erin Lawrence-Roseman, University of California, Berkeley, and Debby Sneed, California State University, Long Beach

Musical Instruments from the South Stoa at Corinth: Type, Function, and Chronology
Abigail Bradford, University of Virginia

8F: New Evidence from Archaeological Research in Asia Minor and Beyond

Archaeological Excavations at the Ionian City of Notion
Christopher Ratté, University of Michigan

Ancient Antalya: Origins of a Mediterranean Megacity
Noah Kaye, Michigan State University

A Kybele Dining Club at Hellenistic Gordion
Martin Wells, Austin College

Fieldwork at Phoenix, 2023
Asil Yaman, The University of Pennsylvania Museum

The Bouleuterion at Teos, Turkey (Excavation Season 2023)
Mantha Zarmakoupi, University of Pennsylvania, and Musa Kadıoğlu, University of Ankara

8G: Mobility in the Eastern Mediterranean

On Death’s Road: Gräberstrassen as Proxy for Globalism in Roman Greece
Jessica Tilley, Florida State University

Şangır Mağaza: Mountain pilgrimage in Hellenistic and Roman west central Anatolia
Peri Johnson, University of Illinois Chicago

Communities no longer present: Traces of Ottoman Turkish habitation in Western Thessaly, Greece
Robin Rönnlund, Swedish Institute at Athens

Of Challah and Tsoureki, Magen David and Mati: Seven Centuries of Material Culture from the Ashkenazi Diasporic Community in Greece
Carolin (Katie) Garcia Fine, American School of Classical Studies at Athens

Movement and Mobility of Late Neolithic Colonizers: Occupying the Black Desert of Jordan
Yorke Rowan, University of Chicago

8H: Visual Culture and Architecture

The Fashioning of the Roman Empress, Severan-Style: Portraits of Julia Domna
Julie Van Voorhis, Indiana University

Rethinking an Egyptian Mummy from the British Museum:  Gender-Expansive Identities in the Roman Period of Egypt
Emily B. Sharp, Cornell

Art-historical Writing and Aesthetics in Hellenistic Judaism
Kristen Seaman, University of Oregon

Forging Cultural Meaning from Roman Lamps in University Collections
Alison Rittershaus, Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University

When Sports Met Spectacles: Festival Cultures in Roman Asia Minor
Tianqi Zhu, University of Cincinnati

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