AIA Fellowships Report Form

Please complete this report within 30 days of your Fellowship’s completion. To request an extension, please contact us at

AIA Fellowship Final Report Form

Information About the Winner

Fellowship Winner Name(Required)

Updates on Fellowship Project

Up to 500 words
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 64 MB.
    Be sure that you have permission to share/publish these photos
    I give the AIA permission to publish these photos on their website and in other public-facing materials(Required)
    Images submitted to the Archaeological Institute of America must be clear of copyright restriction. All reproduction rights, releases and/or permissions are the responsibility of the submitter. By submitting an image you certify that you have the rights to distribute this media and that yourself and all persons present in the image give the AIA permission to share (copy and redistribute this media in any medium or format) and/or adapt the image (remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose related to the AIA’s mission) under the following terms: attribution (the AIA will give appropriate credit to the creator(s) of the media). This permission includes the right to reproduce submitted images in AIA publications, whether print or electronic, on the AIA website or social media platforms, and make images available to the press and educators.

    Dissertation Updates (Optional)

    Budget Reconciliation

    Max. file size: 64 MB.
    Receipts not required

    Donor Letter

    Have you submitted your 250 word letter to the grant's donors?(Required)


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    The AIA is North America's largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to archaeology. The Institute advances awareness, education, fieldwork, preservation, publication, and research of archaeological sites and cultural heritage throughout the world. Your contribution makes a difference.