Many more groups join, extending list to more than 70 organizations.
The AIA opened an online store today for International Archaeology Day (IAD). Currently for sale we are offering IAD buttons, magnets, and stickers.
Past Preservers is thrilled to be an official Media Partner with the Archaeological Institute of America’s International Archaeology Day to be held on 19th October 2013.
AntiquityNOW and the Massachusetts Historical Commission join with Archaeological Institute of America for 2013.
The organization will hold events in capital city of Belmopan and surrounding area.
Many more organizations registered for International Archaeology Day 2013.
Organizations from Jordan, Iran, and South Africa added to the continuously growing list of Collaborators.
Thanks to Ubiquity Press, an online Open Access publisher of Peer Reviewed journals, International Archaeology Day now has multiple online advertisements.
AIA joined by Office of Archaeological Studies-New Mexico, Montrose County Museum, and C.H. Nash Museum at Chucalissa for International Archaeology Day 2013.
This week we have added four organizations from around the world to our list of Collaborating Organizations