Christie Grekul, Project Archaeologist from Bodo to give a talk in Provost, Alberta to honor National Archaeology Day
The Delaware Department of Transportation has signed on to the National Archaeology Day festivities.
Southeast Regional Director for the Archaeological Conservancy Jessica Flemming-Crawford will be a guest speaker at the Winterville Mounds.
To celebrate National Archaeology Day, the Eta Sigma Phi of Creighton University is working in conjunction with the AIA-Omaha-Lincoln Society to host a whole week of events.
Wanuskewin Heritage Park of Saskatchewan, Canada is set to host a number of events on October 20th in honor of National Archaeology Day.
The Kansas Anthropological Association is hosting its Fall Fling, an annual collections and cataloging event, on October 20th in celebration of National Archaeology Day.
The Independence National Historical Park will host an event for National Archaeology Day.
The Haverhill Historical Society will sponsor an event titled “Tombstones and Trowels” at the Buttonwoods Museum.
Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site in Stanton, North Dakota will host an event for all ages on National Archaeology Day.
The Grant County Archaeological Society is planning a hiking tour of the Dragonfly Petroglyph Site outside of Silver City, New Mexico, for National Archaeology Day.