Lecturer Resources

Forms for Lecturers

(Please note, these are forms for use by existing AIA Lecturers, they are not for applying to be an AIA Lecturer. For that, please contact the AIA Lecture Coordinator at Lectures@archaeological.org).

Lecturer Questionnaire

Lecture Abstract Form

Lecturer’s CV Form

Pre-lecture Form: Lecturers

Lecture Follow-up Form: Lecturers

Honoraria Donation Form (contact lectures@archaeological.org)

PowerPoint Slides for Lecturers

(Please note, these are forms for use by existing AIA Lecturers for their 2023-2024 lecture presentations).

Introductory Slides for Lecturers

“Lecture Recorded” Slide

“Recording Prohibited” Slide

Special Lecture Slides

Images of Human Remains Slide

Nominate a Lecturer

If you would like to nominate a colleague to lecture in the AIA’s National Lecture Program, please fill out this form. Be sure to alert your colleague that you have nominated them, as they will have to fill out their own form indicating their willingness to lecture for the AIA.

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