
Founded in 1879, the AIA was chartered by the United States Congress in 1906, in recognition of its role in the development and passage of the Antiquities Act, which Theodore Roosevelt signed into law that year. Today, the AIA remains committed to preserving the world’s archaeological resources and cultural heritage for the benefit of people in the present and in the future.

News, Issues, and Initiatives

A Personal Account from Baghdad

May 20, 2003

John M. Russell provided the AIA with an informal report on his visit to Baghdad soon after the end of major combat operations.

AIA Endorses Draft UNESCO Declaration

April 1, 2003

On the recommendation of the Professional Responsibilities Committee, the Executive Committee of the AIA at its September meeting unanimously endorsed the Draft UNESCO Declaration Concerning the Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage.

Task Force on the Cultural Heritage of Iraq

March 22, 2003

In response to the recent looting of Iraqi museums and other cultural institutions, the AIA has formed a Task Force on the Cultural Heritage of Iraq, chaired by AIA President, Jane Waldbaum. We are working with the State Department, other branches of the U.S. government, and other cultural organizations to assist in the restoration of artifacts and manuscripts stolen from Iraq.

Research Opportunities Under the U.S.-Italy Bilateral Agreement

February 1, 2001

In January 2001 the governments of Italy and the United States signed a bilateral agreement to restrict the import into the U.S. of a wide range of archaeological materials from Italy. As part of that Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Italy has agreed to provide a series of exciting opportunities for many Americans.

Code of Ethics

December 29, 1997

The AIA Code of Ethics was approved by the Council at its December 29, 1990 meeting, and amended at its December 29, 1997 meeting.

AIA Resolution Regarding War and the Destruction of Antiquities

September 19, 1992

At the 2004 Annual Meeting of the AIA, a plenary session was held focusing on “The Cultural Costs of Waging War.” Presenters discussed the affects of recent military activities in both Afghanistan and Iraq

Resolution on the Acquisition of Antiquities by Museums

December 19, 1973

Adopted by vote of the Council of the AIA, December 30, 1973.

Resolutions on the Importation of Antiquities

December 30, 1970

Resolution in support of the Draft UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property. Adopted by a vote of the AIA Council, December 30, 1970.

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The AIA is North America's largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to archaeology. The Institute advances awareness, education, fieldwork, preservation, publication, and research of archaeological sites and cultural heritage throughout the world. Your contribution makes a difference.