Site Preservation News

Preserving Ecuador, Jordan, and Ukraine

May 6, 2024

Your experience matters! Join our letter writing campaign to save a place you love. Ecuador and Jordan have recently requested that the U.S. renew the bilateral agreement that protects their […]

Preserving Algeria and India

December 21, 2023

Your experience matters! Join our letter writing campaign to save a place you love. Algeria has recently requested that the U.S. renew the bilateral agreement that protects their cultural resources […]

Preserving Honduras and Nepal

August 22, 2023

Your experience matters! Join our letter writing campaign to save a place you love. Honduras has recently requested that the U.S. renew the bilateral agreement that protects their cultural resources […]

Preserving Bulgaria and China

May 23, 2023

Your experience matters! Join our letter writing campaign to save a place you love. Bulgaria and China have recently requested that the U.S. renew the bilateral agreement that protects their […]

Preserving Cambodia, North Macedonia, and Uzbekistan

January 17, 2023

Your experience matters! Join our letter writing campaign to save a place you love. If you appreciate the cultural heritage of Cambodia, North Macedonia, and/or Uzbekistan, there are a few […]

AIA Members appointed to U.S. Cultural Property Advisory Committee

August 22, 2022

Last week, President Biden announced his intent to appoint three AIA members to serve on the United States Cultural Property Advisory Committee, better known as CPAC. Alexandra Jones, a current […]

Preserving Belize and Libya

July 12, 2022

Your experience matters! Join our letter writing campaign to save a place you love. If you appreciate the cultural heritage of Belize and/or Libya, there are a few ways you […]

AIA Site Preservation Grant to Support Project at Deir el-Ballas, Egypt

March 27, 2020

The AIA’s 2019 Site Preservation Grant will fund preservation work taking place at Deir el-Ballas in Egypt.

AIA Site Preservation Grant Recipient Named World Heritage Site

April 18, 2019

Thimlich Ohinga in Kenya, an AIA Site Preservation Grant winner, is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

AIA Awards its Latest Site Preservation Grant to Project in Sudan

March 27, 2019

The Archaeological Institute of America is pleased to announce our newest Site Preservation Grant winner.

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The AIA is North America's largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to archaeology. The Institute advances awareness, education, fieldwork, preservation, publication, and research of archaeological sites and cultural heritage throughout the world. Your contribution makes a difference.