Elizabeth Bartman, AIA President, sent letters to executives at National Geographic and Spike TV to express concern over the content of two new TV shows.
The AIA is pleased to announce that its latest Site Preservation Grant has been awarded to the Carr Plantation Archaeology Project.
Coordinators for the California Archaeological Site Stewardship Program discuss its volunteer steward training workshops in the efforts to raise awareness for and protection of sites in California.
Thimlich Ohinga project directors report on the first stakeholders’ workshop held at the site in December.
An AIA Site Preservation Grant is protecting the significant and fragile site of Hoyo Negro.
The AIA presented two co-recipients with the Best Practices in Site Preservation Award at the 113th Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
The Site Preservation workshop at the AIA Annual Meeting launched an online collaborative to define best practices in site preservation. Join the conversation today!
First Person Account of Public Session about Belize By Christina Luke, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, Boston University On 16 November I attended and spoke at the public session concerning the […]
Thank you very much to all of you who showed your support by sending letters to Washington! From January 17-20, 2012, the State Department’s Cultural Property Advisory Committee (CPAC) met […]
The AIA-funded project at Thimlich Ohinga held its first workshop to educate the local community on the preservation goals of the project and how the site should be preserved.
The AIA is North America's largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to archaeology. The Institute advances awareness, education, fieldwork, preservation, publication, and research of archaeological sites and cultural heritage throughout the world. Your contribution makes a difference.