December 23, 2013
AIA 2014 Annual Meeting attendees will have the opportunity to support the Site Preservation Program through a Silent Auction in the Exhibit Hall.
One silent auction highlight is two gift certificates entitling the bearers to 5 AMS radiocarbon measurements from the Center for Isotopic Research on Cultural and Environmental Heritage (CIRCE) in Naples. These certificates are valued at 2000€ each and can only be used for samples from Italian sites, so be ready to bid early and often!
Another auction highlight includes a package for the 2015 Annual Meeting in New Orleans that includes five nights in a one bedroom suite, one 2015 meeting registration, two tickets to the Opening Night Reception, and a welcome amenity waiting in your suite when you arrive!
Other silent auction items include, books (many signed by the author), prints, and archaeological equipment. Be sure to stop by the silent auction tables in the Exhibit Hall before 4pm on Saturday to see all of the items and place your bids!