October 11, 2013
Denver: International Archaeology Day Student Classics Symposium
In conjunction with the University of Colorado, Department of Classics, and the Boulder Society, this statewide event will draw undergraduate and graduate students from universities across Colorado to discuss the Classical and Ancient World in a challenging, stimulating, and encouraging environment.
Iowa: Iowa Archaeology 2013
Iowa Archaeology encourages a greater awareness, understanding and protection of Iowa’s cultural history by allowing the experiences of students and professionals to be brought to larger communities through travelling exhibits, open houses, presentations and tours.
Lubbock: Archaeology Day
Archaeology Day will include an archaeology fair, presentations on Roman graffiti, and a program involving preparing Roman food. Students will have the opportunity to handle artifacts, flint knap, and discuss archaeology with professional archaeologists.
Minnesota: Students in Archaeology
This event will be offered in collaboration with the fourth annual University of St. Thomas Art History Graduate Student Research Symposium, which features a keynote lecture by Jason Felch. Posters will be on display throughout the event, culminating in a poster presentation and reception allowing for informal discussion among professionals, students, and the general public.
Philadelphia: Workshop on Roman Hairstyling
A hands-on workshop by amateur hair archaeologist Janet Stephens, who will dress the hair of some participants in typical Roman fashion. Ms. Stephens has presented at the AIA Annual Meeting and has made prominent contributions to the field of ancient hair studies, discovering that Roman hair styling did not rely on wigs but rather a labor-intensive stitching technique done by slaves for elite women. The program will be supplemented by a lecture and projected photographs with a display of relevant sculpture and artifacts.
Southwest Texas: Ancient Writing Workshop for Texas Archaeology Day
In collaboration with several regional archaeology groups and museums, this event is focusing on Mayan, Linear B, Ogham, and Egyptian. This child-oriented event will use posters, handouts, clay, paper, wood, and other craft material to help children learn to write these ancient scripts.