Beyond the Trenches
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July 30, 2020
Ceramic sherds dating to the colonial period were collected at Jodensavanne, Suriname.
July 29, 2020
Nails found during excavations at Jodensavanne helped learn about the types of buildings that once stood in the old village.
July 28, 2020
Research on discovering Jodensavanne’s settlement pattern through remote sensing, namely aerial photography and electrical resistivity
Marjan Villa
Hallo ik ben nieuwsgierig of er op de Jodensavanne iemand die van zijn of haar achternaam van Enkhuijsen (Enkhuizen of Enkhuijsen) heet daar begraven is. Dit omdat ik die naam onderzoek in Suriname. En dat er diverse op de Savanne zijn begraven daar.
Hello I am curious if there is someone on the Jodensavanne who is buried by his or her surname of Enkhuijsen (Enkhuizen or Enkhuijsen). This is because I am researching that name in Suriname. And that there are several buried on the Savannah there.