January 7, 2013
2014 Annual Meeting Call for Papers
The dates for the 2014 AIA AM Call for Papers are available below. The 2014 AM will be held in Chicago, IL at the Hyatt Regency Chicago Hotel from January 2–5. The academic program will begin on January 3. The discounted group rate of $129 USD (plus tax) per night will be offered on New Year’s Eve. It may indeed be cold in January, but Chicago is certainly a great place to ring in the New Year!
Submission Dates:
Sunday, March 10, 2013 and Sunday, March 24 (with $25 fee)
Workshops, colloquia including joint AIA/APA colloquia, undergraduate submissions, and any open-session submissions needing an early decision to acquire a visa or obtain funding.
Sunday, August 4, 2013 and Sunday, August 18 (with $25 fee)
Open session paper and posters submissions, and any provisionally accepted colloquia and workshops that are resubmitting.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Roundtable and lightning session submissions.
Future AIA and APA Joint Annual Meetings:
2014 AM in Chicago, IL from January 2-5
2015 AM in New Orleans, LA from January 8-11
2016 AM in San Francisco, CA from January 7-10
2017 AM in Toronto, Canada from January 5-8