January 25, 2021
The AIA kicked off a new member drive on Society Sunday, January 3, 2021. From January 3-10, Societies received $5 for every new member that joined their Society. Western Illinois came out on top with five new members added. Society President Danielle Fatkin offered the following statement, “Archaeology and the AIA are growing in Western Illinois. For several years, Augustana College, Knox College, and Monmouth College have acted as the institutional anchors for the local Society, and the Classics Departments at Augustana and Monmouth have financially supported the Society by purchasing student memberships for all Classics majors. Now Knox College has joined the effort. Archaeology and Classics students purchased AIA memberships at the beginning of January in order to further their engagement with archaeology and ancient history. The new members look forward to learning more about how the AIA supports archaeological exploration and social justice around the world.”