IAD Blog

October 29, 2015

“Why/How I Became an Archaeologist” with Archaeology Southwest

Archaeology Southwest celebrated International Archaeology Day with a series of daily blog posts by thirteen staff members who shared how and why they became archaeologists. In their blogs, Archaeology Southwest’s staff members recount early influences on their passion for archaeology and preservation and the journeys they that brought them to their current careers. Below are some snippets, be sure to click through to read them all!

“Now I make the points, instead of hunting them. And I teach others how to make them, and why it is important not to hunt them.” Allen Denoyer, Preservation Archaeologist and Ancient Technologies Expert for Archaeology Southwest

“The tangible and direct sense of accomplishment that comes from buying land for preservation purposes or securing a legislative or administrative designation in support of preservation simply cannot be beat.” Andy Laurenzi, Southwest Field Representative for Archaeology Southwest

 “Why and how I did become an archaeologist? Because of human remains. And lemonade and birdhouses and goat milk.  I’ll explain….” Kate Sarther Gann, Communications Coordinator for Archaeology Southwest

“I never wanted to be an archaeologist. It never occurred to me that it was within the realm of possibilities. I had never even seen those Indiana Jones movies everyone was always so excited about. And honestly, spending any amount of time outside in the hot sun was not even remotely appealing to me.“ Leslie Aragon, University of Arizona, and Field Director, Preservation Archaeology Field School

“Archaeology’s insights into the many ways humans have found to structure our relationships with each other and the natural world are a big part of what keeps me excited about going to work most days, but it’s other archaeologists who make it so much fun.” Karen Gust Schollmeyer, Preservation Archaeologist for Archaeology Southwest

“When I was a kid, the past was ever-present because the communities of southeastern Ohio are so proud of their archaeological and historical heritage. Deep history is everywhere, and my earliest memories find me getting quite real with it.” Aaron Wright, Preservation Archaeologist for Archaeology Southwest

“So long as there are archaeologists, then maybe somewhere in the distant future, someone will care that you and I lived.” Kathleen Badar, Development and Design Coordinator for Archaeology Southwest

Additional blog posts:

Bill’s post

Doug’s post

Jeff’s post

Kathleen’s post

Lewis’s post

Linda’s post

Paul’s post

International Archaeology Day Blog