Interactive Digs
August 15, 2019
In the area to the north of Room 56A the excavation was concluded with the complete removal of the Late Minoan I layer full of pottery (Fig. 1). A total number of 124 pottery vessels, mostly conical cups, came to light in this layer, mainly in the area along the south wall. The great majority of these vases (105 in total) were found laying on the rests of a low rectangular stone platform in the SE part of the area (Fig. 1-2). Most of them were conical cups of various types; two miniature jugs (“milk jugs”), three “fruit stands”, two oval-mouth amphorae and two conical rhyta were found as well (Fig. 3).
September 5, 2024
The excavation of the Minoan palace at Archanes continued successfully this year.
August 30, 2023
This year's excavations at Archanes Palace are complete, and the final results are in!
August 16, 2023
The excavation of Archanes Palace continues to deeper layers, revealing the impressive architecture of the Minoans.
August 2, 2023
After many years, the Zominthos team has stared a new period of excavations at Archanes, Crete.
August 6, 2022
Finds this week included two exceptionally preserved seals made of semi precious stone.